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The article presents the results of a study of adaptive processes in soldiers-recruits the Pacific Fleet in the initial period of military service for evaluation of the functional activity of the pituitary-adrenal system. The studies were conducted taking into account climatic and geographical features of the Far Eastern region, desynchronosis occurring as an effect of young soldiers trans-meridian move from the western regions of the country and the health of the subjects in the period of 2012-2015. The conclusion is that the circadian rhythms of the secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol allow us to estimate the dynamics of the adaptation process, and to establish the degree of completion of the adaptation of the body at the level of neuroendocrine functions. Adapting to changing living conditions conscripts starts with the first days of stay in the Far East and are not certified, decreases even after 90 days of service. We soldiers with inadequate and low power holds the potential inhibition of power stress implementing mechanisms whereby the completion of the adaptation process is delayed up to 6 months and more.

About the authors

C. F. Polovov

Far Eastern Customs Administration

Author for correspondence.
Email: psftof@mail.ru
Russian Federation

M. V. Antonyuk

Vladivostok branch Far Eastern Scientific Center of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration of Medical Sciences - Institute of Medical Climatology and Rehabilitation

Email: antonyukm@mail.ru
Russian Federation

B. G. Andryukov

1477 Naval Clinical Hospital

Email: andrukov_bg@mail.ru
Russian Federation


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