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The analysis of the study of the habitability of the ships of the foreign navies taking into consideration the needs of crew members  serving on a contract basis. Results of approbation of the adapted  method the subject an effective assessment of the conditions of  shipboard life, proposed by G. L. Wilcove, M. J. Schwerin (2008).  The survey anonymously polled a total of 224 member of the crews  of surface ships passing a service contract. To assess the impact of  mood disorders on the outcomes of the survey performed clinical screening test Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale. A  significant proportion are dissatisfied with the quality of life on the  ship (about 40% of the total number surveyed), which demonstrates the necessity of taking effective measures aimed at improving the working conditions of seafarers. A large number of complaints about  the conditions of life demanded a detailed study of the conditions  affecting crew members. It is established that the most problem are  the premises of consumer services, showers, the levels of airborne noise, the ability to relax outside cabins, the adequacy of  sports facilities and their equipment. Comparative analysis with the  results of research in the U.S. Navy points to the similarity in the  nature of dissatisfaction with the living conditions on the ship. Factor analysis allowed us to identify five factors affecting the assessment of viable ship. The results of the analysis of the survey results  indicate the absence of the influence of mood disorders examined for the obtained results. Methodology for the subjective assessment of quality of life can be used in a risk-focused supervision for marine technical objects.

About the authors

I. G. Mosyagin

Navy Headquarters of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

доктор медицинских наук, профессор, действительный член Академии военных наук, действительный член Российской академии естествознания, начальник медицинской службы Главного командования Военно-Морского Флота

191055, Санкт-Петербург, Адмиралтейский проезд, д. 1

Russian Federation

A. A. Bogdanov

Research Institute of Ship Building and Armament, Navy Academy


доктор медицинских наук, профессор, старший научный сотрудник НИО-М НИИ кораблестроения и вооружения ВМФ ВУНЦ ВМФ «Военно-морская академия им. Н. Г. Кузнецова»

197101, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Чапаева, д. 30; тел.: (812) 405-05-86

Russian Federation

V. V. Voronov

Research Institute of Ship Building and Armament, Navy Academy


кандидат медицинских наук, доцент, подполковник медицинской службы, докторант НИИ кораблестроения и вооружения ВМФ ВУНЦ ВМФ «Военно-морская  академия им. Н. Г. Кузнецова»

197101, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Чапаева, д. 30; тел.: 8 (921) 976-70-28

Russian Federation


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