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The paper addressed different organizational and legislative issues of the operation of rehabilitation facilities for invalids, including war crimples, in theRussian Federation. The issues include the juridical, organizational, interactional, and systemic societal relationships. Approaches to tackling the issues include general scientific, such as analytical and comparative, as well as special, such as formal juridical, comparative legislative, historical-legislative, and different ways of interpreting the law (logical, systemic, historical, functional etc.). The normative and legislative documents of federal and regional levels and the documents issued by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation that relate to establishing of multidisciplinary centers for rehabilitation of invalids, including children, were examined. The documents include the drafts of standard regulations of multidisciplinary centers for comprehensive rehabilitation of invalids, of the Order of the Ministry of Labor «On determining the approximate stuff norms for the agencies that provide services related to social and professional rehabilitation of invalids, including children», of the Approximate Staff List of a Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Center, and different proposals concerning professional standards for rehabilitation specialists. Multilevel approaches to the organization of multidisciplinary rehabilitation centers and the structure of their units and departments are considered. Amendments to the above documents are proposed. The expediency of working out of a unified approach to drawing-up of staff-lists for agencies involved in rehabilitation and restoration of invalids is substantiated. Such an approach will ensure the availability of rehabilitation services to invalids in every subject of theRussian Federation, the rational usage of resources available for the subjects and to the respective security, defense and law enforcement agencies.

About the authors

A. V. Sokurov

G. A. Albrekht Research Center for Invalids Rehabilitation

Author for correspondence.
Email: ansokurov@yandex.ru

Andrey V. Sokurov 

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

Ye. M. Starobina

G. A. Albrekht Research Center for Invalids Rehabilitation

Email: estarobina@yandex.ru

Yelena M. Starobina 

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

T. V. Yermolenko

G. A. Albrekht Research Center for Invalids Rehabilitation

Email: tatvalerm@yandex.ru

Tatyana V. Yermolenko 

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

V. I. Raduto

G. A. Albrekht Research Center for Invalids Rehabilitation

Email: radutoy@mail.ru

Vladimir I. Raduto 

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation


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