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The purpose of the study is to identify the characteristics of pulmonary gas exchange and assess its efficiency during the period of the adaptive voltage stage in the military when moving to the Arctic zone. The survey included 36 men of 18–20 years old who arrived in the Arctic zone from the southern regions of the Russian Federation to the training center of the Navy for military service on conscription. Every month, for 5 months, the servicemen underwent a spirographic study, in addition to this, the composition of exhaled air was selected and analyzed. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using the STATA 12 software. It was established that for recruits, the actual values of oxygen consumption (PO2) in the first two months of observation exceeded the proper values
(225,2±15,9 ml/min) by 48,3 and 20,5% respectively (p<0,00–0,01). However, 3, 4 and 5 months were characterized by the fact that they had a decrease in PO2, respectively, by 4,9; 26,8 (p<0,001) and 29,2% (p<0,001), which was combined with reduced oxygen utilization rates (CIO2) during this period. The decrease in ventilation efficiency coincides with an increase in POvid by 29–35% (p<0,001) and an increase in the O2 content in the exhaled air. In the first two months, the oxygen effect of one respiratory and one cardiac cycle exceeded the proper values by 43 and 14%, respectively, and by 49 and 21% (p<0,05–0,001), which indicates a reduced efficiency of the respiratory and cardiovascular system. Thus, the first two months after the arrival of recruits to the Arctic zone are characterized by a significant intensification of oxidative metabolism, a combination of sufficiently effective ventilation and gas exchange and reduced efficiency of one respiratory and one cardiac cycles. 

About the authors

A. B. Gudkov

North State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Arkhangelsk Russian Federation

O. N. Popova

North State Medical University

Arkhangelsk Russian Federation

M. Yu. Bogdanov

North State Medical University

Arkhangelsk Russian Federation

F. A. Shcherbina

Murmansk State Technical University; Murmansk Arctic State University

Murmansk Russian Federation


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