- Authors: Zakrevskij Y.N.1, Shevchenko A.G.2, Bondar S.A.2, Balahnov D.O.2, Butikov V.Р.2, Kabisovа V.I.2, Nesterov A.A.2
- The Medical Service of the Northern Fleet
- 1469 Naval clinical hospital the Russian Defense Ministry
- Issue: Vol 5, No 3 (2019)
- Pages: 7-16
- Section: Review
- Submitted: 10.09.2019
- Accepted: 10.09.2019
- Published: 10.09.2019
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 300
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Heart rhythm disorders are presented one of the toughest little studied and, in this regard, current problems in cardiology among different populations living in different climatic and geographical conditions. Changes in normal pesmeker heart activity as identified in diseases of internal organs, and apparently healthy people, civilians and soldiers from various law enforcement agencies. Arrhythmia is a serious problem for both civilian and military health care, in view of the fact that there is a direct correlation with a high risk of cardiovascular complications and sudden (primarily aritmogenic Genesis) death. In addition, arrhythmia entail substantial economic burden in their diagnosis and treatment. Special attention should be paid to heart rhythm disorders in athletes and military personnel at the time of physical training standards. Primarily these are «harmless» violations as episodes or permanent migration of rhythm in the Atria, bradycardia, sinus arrhythmia. On the analysis of the studied Russian and world literature, a definite view on the incidence of various arrhythmias and conduction, residing in various climate and geographical areas, and the data obtained is directly dependent on applied research methodologies.
About the authors
Yurij N. Zakrevskij
The Medical Service of the Northern Fleet
Author for correspondence.
Severomorsk Russian Federation
Alexander G. Shevchenko
1469 Naval clinical hospital the Russian Defense Ministry
Severomorsk Russian Federation
Sergej A. Bondar
1469 Naval clinical hospital the Russian Defense Ministry
Severomorsk Russian Federation
Dmitrij O. Balahnov
1469 Naval clinical hospital the Russian Defense Ministry
Severomorsk Russian Federation
Vladimir Р. Butikov
1469 Naval clinical hospital the Russian Defense Ministry
Severomorsk Russian Federation
Vlada I. Kabisovа
1469 Naval clinical hospital the Russian Defense Ministry
Severomorsk Russian Federation
Andrej A. Nesterov
1469 Naval clinical hospital the Russian Defense Ministry
Severomorsk Russian Federation
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