- Authors: Zaitsev A.G.1, Chebykina A.V.2, Alpatov V.N.3, Levchenko Z.A.3, Yatmanov A.N.3
- All-Russian center of emergency and radiation medicine. A. M. Nikiforova
- Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov
- Military educational and scientific center of the Navy «Naval Academy named after N. G. Kuznetsov»
- Issue: Vol 5, No 3 (2019)
- Pages: 55-60
- Section: 21
- Submitted: 11.09.2019
- Accepted: 11.09.2019
- Published: 11.09.2019
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 306
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The influence of mental states on the morbidity of military cadets was investigated. Surveyed 102 cadets 2–3 courses of the Naval Academy. N. G. Kuznetsova at the age of 18–23 years. In terms of incidence, the patients were divided into two groups: n=66 did not suffer during the year of study, n=36 had labor losses during the year from 3 to 25 days (10,06±6,1). For self-assessment of the mental state, a modified method of assessing the mental states of a person, proposed by A. O. Prokhorov. Mathematical modeling of the prediction of the incidence of cadets of a military university was performed using discriminant analysis. Comparative analysis was performed using student’s criterion. On the basis of discriminant modeling, a highly informative model for forecasting the incidence of military cadets’ cadets was developed. Predictors of incidence of military cadets are a combination of indicators of mental states: excitation, gaiety, ease, thoughtfulness, fear, laziness. At the same time, for cadets who have a disease during the year, laziness is typical, aspiration for entertainment and excitement, they are less at ease, more thoughtful, possibly inclined to self-analysis, analysis of their physical condition, critical to the environment. They do not experience a state of fear, and, perhaps, a sense of respect for the collective associated with it, since getting exemption from performing duties on a «non-serious» disease in the military collective is perceived as a desire to evade their duties and disdain for their colleagues. The application of the developed model of the prognosis of the incidence of cadets will make it possible to increase the effectiveness of measures for medical and psychological support of military personnel in military universities.
About the authors
Anton G. Zaitsev
All-Russian center of emergency and radiation medicine. A. M. Nikiforova
Author for correspondence.
St. Petersburg Russian Federation
Anna V. Chebykina
Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov
St. Petersburg Russian Federation
Vadim N. Alpatov
Military educational and scientific center of the Navy «Naval Academy named after N. G. Kuznetsov»
St. Petersburg Russian Federation
Zemphira A. Levchenko
Military educational and scientific center of the Navy «Naval Academy named after N. G. Kuznetsov»
St. Petersburg Russian Federation
Aleksey N. Yatmanov
Military educational and scientific center of the Navy «Naval Academy named after N. G. Kuznetsov»
St. Petersburg Russian Federation
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