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The article outlines the modern aspects of the organization of ambulatory dental care (rehabilitation of the oral cavity) to military personnel and attached contingents eligible to receive it in the military medical organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The analysis of the results of epidemiological studies of the stamatological morbidity of various groups of servicemen of both the Russian, Soviet and Russian Army and their need for the rehabilitation of the mouth of the mouth has been carried out. There are scientifically based medical standards for the optimal provision of the dispensary form of the organization of outpatient dental care for conscript and contract servicemen. Discussing the main directions of primary prevention of dental caries, it was proposed to use methods and means aimed at eliminating the deficiency of fluoride in drinking water and in food. At the stage of designing or reconstructing centralized water supply systems, it is desirable to conduct an expert assessment by the bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the expediency of organizing water fluoridation at waterworks. Although there is a very small part of tap water for drinking needs, its fluoridation is expedient and economically beneficial, which is confirmed by domestic and foreign experience in the fluoridation of drinking water: taking into account the costs associated with the treatment of a single tooth, the economic effect in terms of the cost of fluoridation and the cost of treatment on average, it reaches 1:100. Also promising is the organization of the centralized supply of military service personnel with fluoride toothpastes, which have existing tive anti-caries effect.

About the authors

Vladimir F. Chernysh

S. M. Kirov Military Medicine Academy

St. Petersburg Russian Federation

Vera F. Lopatina

S. M. Kirov Military Medicine Academy

St. Petersburg Russian Federation

Stanislav A. Lopatin

St. Petersburg State University of Economics

Author for correspondence.
St. Petersburg Russian Federation


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