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Introduction. The paper presents the results of a research of quality of life of the military serving under the contract in the Kola Polar region. The research was conducted using the World Health Organization Quality of Life brief version questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF). The purpose of this work was to assess the quality of life and identify the factors adversely affecting the quality of life. The sociological questionnaire study in a group of 209 servicemen serving under the contract in the Kola Polar region was made. Results of the study showed lack of dependence of the general assessment of quality of life on a military rank, income level, age, education, marital status and the number of children in family, and at the same time, statistically significant correlation in the presence of diseases or under any treatment in the last two weeks prior to the survey in a respondent. The analysis of the general assessment of quality of life revealed the highest level in the sphere of micro-social support — 12,2 points (81,3% of the maximum level), and the lowest level in the sphere of social well-being — 26,0 points (65% of the maximum level). Answers to questions concerning existence of an opportunity for rest and entertainments and about availability of medical care are scored the lowest — 2,1 and 3,1 points, respectively. Answers to questions concerning state of environment, satisfaction with monetary pay and conditions in the place of residence were also scored low — 3,3 points. Assessment of quality of life using the WHOQOL-BREF can be used in order to identify and neutralize negative factors of military service and conditions of life and also for improvement of measures for maintaining health, high performance of military work, and motivation in servicemen under the contract in the Arctic zone.

About the authors

A. S. Dybin

339 separate brigade of submarines under construction and repair

Author for correspondence.
Email: asdmma@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1907-9276

Дыбин Алексей Степанович — майор медицинской службы, начальник медицинской службы войсковой части 69008-2

164500, г. Северодвинск, Корабельная ул., д. 1

Russian Federation

L. I. Menshikova

Northern State Medical University; Central Research Institute of Health Organization and Informatization

Email: menshikova1807@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1525-2003

Меньшикова Лариса Ивановна — доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой общественного здоровья, здравоохранения и социальной работы; руководитель методического аккредитационно-симуляционного центра

163000, г. Архангельск, пр. Троицкий, д. 51

127254, Москва, ул. Добролюбова, д. 11

Russian Federation

M. V. Tsizhma

The Military unit 92485

Email: tsizhmamv@rambler.ru

Цижма Михаил Владимирович — капитан медицинской службы, начальник медицинской службы

164500, г. Северодвинск, Железнодорожная ул., д. 29б

Russian Federation

P. Yu. Shapovalov

339 separate brigade of submarines under construction and repair

Email: pavel_1984@inbox.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8940-4145

Шаповалов Павел Юрьевич — майор медицинской службы, флагманский врач

164500, г. Северодвинск, ул. Корабельная, д. 1

Russian Federation

A. V. Khlopov

339 separate brigade of submarines under construction and repair

Email: hlopov_anton@mail.ru

Хлопов Антон Вячеславович — капитан медицинской службы, начальник медицинской службы войсковой части 00517

164500, г. Северодвинск, Корабельная ул., д. 1

Russian Federation


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