А template for establishment of a unified occupational safety and health system for the Russian Federation military personnel

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This article is devoted to occupational safety issues with regard to members of the services and civilian staff in the course of army and navy normal activity in terms of creation possibility justification of a unified occupational safety and health system for all the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The legislative and other statutory and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation, which determine the security procedure for different social categories, incoming and incumbent employees in military units (on boards), were studied. The research found that active service conditions and civilian staff working conditions, as well as corresponding military service and labor security systems in military units (on boards), differ substantially thus creating obstacles for military authorities. The authors propose to create a unified occupational safety and health system for all the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which will be based on the principles applicable to the modern occupational health management system, and will account for work factors of the both social categories.

About the authors

S. A. Tsutsiev

State Scientific Test Research Institute of Military Medicine

Email: sdsot@yandex.ru

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

M. V. Sokhranov

State Scientific Test Research Institute of Military Medicine

Email: medbot22@yandex.ru

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

P. A. Soshkin

State Scientific Test Research Institute of Military Medicine

Author for correspondence.
Email: soshkin-med@yandex.ru

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation


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