Innovative technology of information analysis of electrocardiosignals for the purpose of diagnostics of diseases of internal organs at any stage of their development
- Authors: Uspenskiy V.M.1
- Branch of the Kirov Military Medical Academy
- Issue: Vol 7, No 4 (2021)
- Pages: 54-61
- Submitted: 04.01.2022
- Accepted: 04.01.2022
- Published: 04.01.2022
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 523
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Given the results of years of research information on the properties of electrocardiosignals, set their properties, characteristic of the impulse nature, the proposed methods of information analysis of electrocardiosignals to diagnose diseases of internal organs at any stage of development, protected by patents of the Russian Federation. The main stages of the technology of information analysis of electrocardiosignals for the purpose of diagnostics of diseases of internal organs are described. The rationale for the diagnosis of these diseases at any stage of their development is given. Data were obtained according to which targeted therapeutic and preventive measures at the initial stage of disease development can provide effective prevention of their final stage, which is dangerous for human life due to its complications.
About the authors
V. M. Uspenskiy
Branch of the Kirov Military Medical Academy
Author for correspondence.
Russian FederationReferences
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