Features of clinical symptom and inflammatory marker regression in the use of thermal oxygen-helium mixture in SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia treatment

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New coronavirus infection is accompanied by high mortality and socio-economic losses in the world community. Despite the continuous process of including new medication with antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects in the disease treatment, the development of complications, primarily of hypoxic origin, and mortality remain high.

The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of the use of thermal oxygen-helium mixture in the therapy on the rate of regression of clinical and laboratory signs of inflammation, as well as the length of patient hospital stay.

Material and methods. 59 patient medical records with moderate and severe disease were analyzed. The article summarizes experience of patient management with COVID-19-associated pneumonia who are treated with or without the use of thermal oxygen-helium mixture in one of intensive care units in multi-filed hospital.

Results and discussion. It has been proven that the use of a thermal oxygen-helium mixture in the SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia treatment is effective.

About the authors

V. M. Manuilov

Moscow regional hospital named after рrof. Rozanov V. N.

Author for correspondence.
Email: vm.manuylow@yandex.ru

Pushkino, Moscow region

Russian Federation

A. R. Mukhamedzhanova

Moscow regional hospital named after рrof. Rozanov V. N.

Email: azizamuhamedzanova14@gmail.com

Pushkino, Moscow region

Russian Federation


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