Features of medical and sanitary provision of diving operations in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation
- Authors: Bumai O.K.1, Torshin G.S.1, Malinina S.V.1
- Research Institute of Industrial and Marine Medicine Federal Medical and Biological Agency
- Issue: Vol 8, No 1 (2022)
- Pages: 69-73
- Submitted: 21.01.2022
- Accepted: 11.04.2022
- Published: 11.04.2022
- URL: https://seamed.bmoc-spb.ru/jour/article/view/549
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22328/2413-5747-2022-8-1-69-73
- ID: 549
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Full Text
The purpose of the scientific article is to study and analyze the features of medical and sanitary provision of diving operations in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
Materials and methods. The application of theoretical and empirical research methods allowed analyzing the features of medical and sanitary provision of diving operations in the Arctic.
Results and their discussion. Studies have shown that the peculiarities of medical and sanitary provision of diving operations in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation are associated with the prevention and treatment of hypothermia and decompression sickness in divers, including the use of heated oxygen-helium mixtures for breathing. To solve this problem, evacuation of injured divers with the help of transportation pressure chambers and special mobile diving complexes are also used to provide qualified and specialized assistance in Arctic conditions.
About the authors
O. K. Bumai
Research Institute of Industrial and Marine Medicine Federal Medical and Biological Agency
Author for correspondence.
Email: wmaotms@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3150-9347
St. Petersburg
Russian FederationG. S. Torshin
Research Institute of Industrial and Marine Medicine Federal Medical and Biological Agency
Email: gtorshin@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9805-7221
St. Petersburg
Russian FederationS. V. Malinina
Research Institute of Industrial and Marine Medicine Federal Medical and Biological Agency
Email: malinina.s.v@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4922-1176
St. Petersburg
Russian FederationReferences
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