Study of long-term effects of 100-day sealing in normobaric fire-safe gaseous medium for volunteers’ health and efficiency: prospective study
- Authors: Ivanov A.O.1, Belyaev V.F.1, Bezkishkiy E.N.2, Shatov D.V.3, Groshilin S.M.3, Safonov D.V.4
- Naval Academy named after N. G. Kuznetsov
- State University of sea and river fleet named after Admiral S. O. Makarov
- Rostov State Medical University
- City Emergency Hospital
- Issue: Vol 8, No 3 (2022)
- Pages: 40-47
- Submitted: 22.10.2022
- Accepted: 22.10.2022
- Published: 22.10.2022
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 578
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INTRODUCTION: The main reason, causing failure of the crew, weapon and submarine military equipment and other hermetically sealed craft of military purpose, is fire. The study is a continuation of sets of works aimed at justifying the creation of hypoxic gaseous medium in sealed habitable objects that provide fire prevention.
OBJECTIVE: To study possible long-term effects of extended (for 100 days) man’s stay in regulated hypoxic firesafe gaseous medium for confirming the possibility to perform professional activities by the staff of a sealed craft in such conditions.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: For 12 months after finishing 100-day sealing the volunteers were evaluated for any disease, possible deviation of functional state and working capacity. The examined contingent: 5 men, aged 25– 32, 1 man, aged 53.
RESULTS: No mental and somatic health disorders were found among all the volunteers within a year of observations. Furthermore, no volunteer experienced any decrease in the body’s resistance, quality of life and other deviations that might be a consequence of the sealing negative influence in regulated hypoxic gaseous medium. The results preliminary allow to use technologies of regulated normobaric hypoxic gaseous medium under well-developed regimes for increasing fire safety of submarines and other sealed habitable objects.
About the authors
A. O. Ivanov
Naval Academy named after N. G. Kuznetsov
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8364-9854
Andrey O. Ivanov — Dr. of Sci. (Med.), Professor, Senior Researcher
197101, St. Petersburg, st. Chapaeva, 30
Russian FederationV. F. Belyaev
Naval Academy named after N. G. Kuznetsov
Viktor F. Belyaev — Cand. of Sci. (Med.), Senior Researcher
197101, St. Petersburg, st. Chapaeva, 30
Russian FederationE. N. Bezkishkiy
State University of sea and river fleet named after Admiral S. O. Makarov
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1534-8881
Eduard N. Bezkishkiy — Dr. of Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor
198035, St. Petersburg, Dvinskaya st., 5/7
Russian FederationD. V. Shatov
Rostov State Medical University
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5833-0403
Dmitriy V. Shatov — Cand. of Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor
344022, Rostov-on-Don, Nakhichevan lane, 29
Russian FederationS. M. Groshilin
Rostov State Medical University
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2782-7094
Sergey M. Groshilin — Dr. of Sci. (Med.), Professor
344022, Rostov-on-Don, Nakhichevan lane, 29
Russian FederationD. V. Safonov
City Emergency Hospital
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9472-5114
Dmitriy V. Safonov — Cand. of Sci. (Med.), chief physician
Taganrog, 347930, Taganrogг, Bolshoy Prospekt, 16
Russian FederationReferences
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