Seasonal dynamics in functional state of nervous system among skiers of the military age based on visual-motor response: cohort study
- Authors: Masko E.V.1, Mosyagin I.G.1, Boyko I.M.1
- Northern State Medical University
- Issue: Vol 8, No 3 (2022)
- Pages: 70-76
- Submitted: 23.10.2022
- Accepted: 23.10.2022
- Published: 23.10.2022
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 581
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INTRODUCTION: Athlete’s training activity in conditions of the European North involves severe physical exertion in extreme climatic conditions. In this case emerging physiological and meteopathic reactions might have a negative impact on the functional state of persons of military age.
OBJECTIVE: Identify the characteristics of seasonal changes in the state of nervous system among skiers of the military age.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: 20 skiers of the military age took part in the study. It was carries out over a year and included 4 stages, complying with the stages of athletes’ preparation. During the work by means of the device «Psychophysiologist» there was recording indicators of mean, minimum and mean-square deviation of time of simple and complex visual-motor reaction and also the duration of cardiointervals. Statistics: Statistical software package SPSS 20.0 was used for analyzing the results.
RESULTS: As a result of the study, it was found that the skiers experience deterioration of visual-motor reaction with the increasing impact of training activities and negative factors of the north.
CONCLUSION: Functioning of the athlete’s body in conditions of the European North leads to deterioration of indicators of nervous system activation level and capacity in the winter training period.
About the authors
E. V. Masko
Northern State Medical University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4855-7863
Evgeny V. Masko — surgeon, cardiovascular surgeon
164500, Severodvinsk, Karl Marx str., 21
Russian FederationI. G. Mosyagin
Northern State Medical University
Igor G. Mosyagin — Dr. of Sci. (Med.), Professor, Leading Researcher at the Central Research Laboratory
St. Petersburg, Admiralteysky ave., 1
Russian FederationI. M. Boyko
Northern State Medical University
Igor M. Boyko — Cand. of Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor, Senior Researcher at the Research Institute of Marine Medicine of, Associate Professor
163069, Arkhangelsk, Troitskiy Ave., 51
Russian FederationReferences
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