Some aspects of studying the health risk of members of crews of marine vessels

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Purpose: to study the acceptability of health risk factors of members of crews for shipbuilding purposes.

Materials and methods. The data on occupational pathology of seafarers over the period 2009–2018 were analyzed. The primary incidence of the adult population of nine coastal regions was studied. A survey was conducted on discomfort of working conditions, habitability factors of 174 crew members of vessels of 3 types.

Results and discussion. There is no records about occupational diseases of sailors over the past decade. The procedure for conducting a survey on the levels of discomfort of crew members is proposed.

Conclusion. In a simplified model of the vessel operation, it is possible to use the average discomfort values of the prototypes of crew members as preliminary indicators of the object’s effectiveness in terms of habitability.

About the authors

A. A. Bogdanov

Military Educational and Scientific Center N. G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy


Alexandr A. Bogdanov

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

V. V. Voronov

Military Educational and Scientific Center N. G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy

Author for correspondence.

Viktor V. Voronov

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

E. S. Zagarov

Military Educational and Scientific Center N. G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy


Evgeniy S. Zagarov

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation


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