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The  diagnostic effectiveness of clinical, laboratory, instrumental, and  surgical methods of diagnostics of internal organs injuries upon  abdominal wounds and  traumas is considered. Most  injured patients (68,1%) were found on admission to exhibit «dim” clinical  manifestations of hemorrhage or peritonitis. Only  31,9% of patients exhibit clear  symptoms of injuries of their abdominal organs. However, the  clinical  pictures did not always corresponded to the  symptoms. Overdiagnoses based on clinical data were attributed to 51,2% of cases. The sensitivity, specificity, and  accuracy of ultrasonic diagnostics of intraperitoneal hemorrhages were estimated to be 51,2%, 88,1%, and  80% respectively. The  proposed approach to diagnostics of injuries implies direct laparoscopy when general anesthesia and  the  instrumental methods of investigation are  impracticable. The  benefits of this  approach include its high  diagnostic effectiveness, relative simplicity, minimal demands for  instruments and  equipment, and  the  possibility to carry out  outdoor examinations, if necessary. As an alternative to laparoscopy, laparocentesis may  be employed, if time  is pressing and  facilities are  scarce.

About the authors

A. K. Soroka

Medical Center of Far-Eastern Federal University

Author for correspondence.
Vladivostok Russian Federation

V. N. Kotelnikov

Pacific State Medical University

Vladivostok Russian Federation


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