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The expansion of tasks, being carried out by military personnel in different climatic and geographical conditions, needs introduction of effective medical provision into the system of military training aimed at maintenance of high level of military efficiency in case of negative factors of the environment. At present the application of hypoxic factor is widely used in sports. In a number of Russian and foreign studies a high effectiveness of hypobaric hypoxia was shown for the correction of borderline functional states, enhancement of organism tolerance of pilots to flight factors, medical rehabilitation, therapy and prophylaxis of a number of diseases and so on. A research has been carried out that included the analysis of in- fluence of physical performance by volunteers in the course of a session of hypobaric hypoxia on factors of physical working capacity. Hypoxia was modelled in pressure chamber by means of barometric pressure decrease to the level equivalent to 3500 m altitude. In the time of presence «at the altitude» (30 min) physical activity was modelled by squatting performed by volunteers (30 squattings every 5 min) and stepping test performed throughout lift motion. Before hypoxic exposure, in the course of test trials and after its accomplishment the heart rate was assessed in volunteers. Also the results of functional probe performance (Shtange, Gench and Ruffier tests) and load testing on a treadmill («Running on the treadmill) were assessed. In the result of this study it was shown that the course of lift actions in pressure chamber leads to the increase of spare capacity of cardiorespiratory system and the development of human adaptation to the influence of moderate hypoxia levels. The most evident effect was observed at simultaneous impact of lift actions in pressure chambers and graduated exercise on the organisms of healthy volunteers.

About the authors

V. N. Bykov

State Research Testing Institute of Military Medicine Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
St. Petersburg Russian Federation

A. G. Anokhin

State Research Testing Institute of Military Medicine Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

St. Petersburg Russian Federation

O. V. Vetryakov

Military Medical Academy Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

St. Petersburg Russian Federation

I. V. Fateev

State Research Testing Institute of Military Medicine Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

St. Petersburg Russian Federation

Yu. Sh. Khalimov

Military Medical Academy Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

St. Petersburg Russian Federation

M. V. Kaltygin

State Research Testing Institute of Military Medicine Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

St. Petersburg Russian Federation


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