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The paper presents data on the development of complex means, which increase the power of the adaptive response of the organism under stress and pathological conditions. This complex includes dietary supplements based on natural metabolites with pronounced antihypoxic activity, perfluorocarbon drugs for improving the oxygen regime of tissues, and effective immunomodulators based on sodium aminodihydrophthalazinedione and the neurotransmitter oligopeptide with increased stability. Their application is promising in the healthcare and in the military medicine. They provide an increase in efficiency, acceleration of recovery processes, increasing the body’s resistance to extreme loads, intoxications, infections, various types of tissue damage.

About the authors

A. N. Tsar’kov

Interregional Public Institute of Engineering Physics



Russian Federation

S. V. Smurov

Interregional Public Institute of Engineering Physics

Serpukhov Russian Federation

E. I. Maevsky

Interregional Public Institute of Engineering Physics; Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS

Author for correspondence.


Russian Federation

I. V. Sedova

Interregional Public Institute of Engineering Physics



Russian Federation

L. A. Bogdanova

Interregional Public Institute of Engineering Physics; Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics RAS



Russian Federation

V. S. Volsky

Interregional Public Institute of Engineering Physics



Russian Federation

M. V. Kozhurin



St. Petersburg

Russian Federation


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