PROFESSOR V. M. UVAROV: THE ORGANIZER OF DENTAL CARE SERVICES IN SOVIET NAVY (on the occasion of his 125-years anniversary)

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The scientific, pedagogic, and medical activities of Prof. V. M. Uvarov are describedbased on the available literature. During World War I, he was at service in Russian Army; then he worked at medical facilities in Crimea (assistant at the Department of Physiology and, later, at the Department of Surgery ofCrimeanUniversity). Positions occupied by him in the Northwest of Russia were Head of the Surgical Department of Municipal Hospital in Shlisselburg and senior assistant at the Department of Stomatology of I. P. Pavlov First Medical Insitute of Leningrad. He conducted research at Navy Medical Academy and S. M. Kirov military Medical Academy, contributed to the organization of dental care service in Soviet Navy before and during World War II, organized dentistry departments of Navy hospitals, developed advanced educational courses for dentists and courses for military medical assistants retraining into dentists, and contributed to Volume 6 of the monograph «The Experience of Soviet Medicine Gained During the Great Patriotic War in 1941–1945». In September 1956, whenNavyMedicalAcademywas fused withS.M.KirovMilitaryMedicalAcademy, the staff of the Department of Oral Surgery and Dentistry was reinforcedwith specialists in the organization of dental care services, including Professor V. M. Uvarov, Assistant Professor D. Ye. Tanfilyev and Candidates of Medical Sciences Yu. B. Gorskiy and V. A. Malyshev. This made it possible to expand the range of issues tackled at the Department. Prof. V. M. Uvarov was Head Dentist of Soviet Navy in 1942–1953 and of the Ministry of Defense of theUSSRin 1953–1954. His is the author of several monographs, including «Oral Injuries Treatment at Rear Line Hospitals», «Clinics of and Therapy for Osteomyelitis of Jaws» (1947), «Odonthogenic Maxillary Sinusitis» (1962), «Manual of Stomatology and Oral Surgery (1967), and «Odontjogenic Inflammatory Processes».

About the authors

G. S. Chepik

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.

Georgiy S. Chepik

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

I. K. Grebnev

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy


Gennadiy A. Grebnev

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

T. N. Karpova

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy


Tamara N. Karpova

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

I. K. Soldatov

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy


Ivan K. Soldatov

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

R. A. Lachin

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy


Roman A. Lachin

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

O. A. Savitskaya

OOO Nordtransfarm


Olga A. Savitskaya

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

S. M. Ismailov

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy


Seyfullah M. Ismailov

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation


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