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The article discusses the problematic issues of medical support of naval aviation: in the organizational and staff structure of the medical service, in the field of material support of the medical service units, medical and psychological rehabilitation of the flight personnel, in the field of social protection of aviation medicine specialists of the Navy. The authors suggested ways to solve these problems. Necessity of centralization and effective quantitative and qualitative optimization of the medical personnel who provide medical support for naval aviation is noted. Attention is paid to the developing of a system for training medical personnel providing flights, as well as the creation of conditions that guarantee high-quality medical and psychological rehabilitation of flight personnel. Introduction of modern technologies and equipment into practice of aviation medicine of the Navy, construction and implementation of total renovation and external repairs of buildings of medical units is considered to be an important independent direction in the development of the medical support system for naval aviation. The authors emphasize the expediency of the improving the regulatory framework aimed at ensuring the social protection of aviation medical personnel of the Navy. Development of the medical support system for naval aviation for the period up to 2025 is proposed to be implemented by the stages: the first stage (2018-2020), the second stage (2019-2025). General and particular indicators of effectiveness of package of measures aimed to improve the system of medical support of naval aviation are formulated.

About the authors

I. G. Mosyagin

Main Command of the Navy of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

Igor G. Mosyagin

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

I. M. Boyko

North State Medical University


Igor M. Boyko


Russian Federation

M. N. Pulyaev

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy


Mikhail N. Pulyaev

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation


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