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The purpose of the study was to assess the physical activity of naval specialists in the conditions of the march, for which they evaluated their physical performance and revealed its dependence on the regularity of the exercise program. In total, 80 crew members of the ship aged 20 to 40 years old were surveyed during a two-month hike with a different physical training regime — not engaged, engaged in physical training under the guidance of a ship-driver according to a specially developed program, and doing it independently. As a result of the study, it was revealed that naval specialists who were not engaged in physical training during a hike, have multidirectional dynamics of their physical performance, improving in the middle of the hike, and returning to the initial state by the end of the hike. Naval specialists, who regularly exercised independently, have a positive dynamics of their physical performance, which significantly increases both in the middle and at the end of the cruise. A tendency towards a deterioration in the level of physical performance is observed among persons engaged in independent and irregular ways at the end of a hike. As a result of the research, it has been established that the use of a specially developed training program for physical activity allows us not only to preserve, but also improve the physical performance of naval specialists in the conditions of a hike.

About the authors

P. A. Soshkin

State Scientific Research Test Institute of the military medicine

Author for correspondence.

Pavel A. Soshkin

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

V. G. Belov

State Scientific Research Test Institute of the military medicine


Vasiliy G. Belov

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

D. S. Zabrodsryi

State Scientific Research Test Institute of the military medicine


Dmitriy S. Zabrodsryi

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

A. V. Naumov

State Scientific Research Test Institute of the military medicine


Anton V. Naumov

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

A. G. Anohin

State Scientific Research Test Institute of the military medicine


Alexandr G. Anohin

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation


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