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Review of basic approaches of therapeutic physical training in military personnel being under follow-up monitoring due to medical reasons in connection with main body systems diseasesis represented in this article. The survey examined questions of standard medical examination for military as evidence-based system of preventive and curative interventions directed at conservation and promotion of health in military staff. Surveyed are divided into groups depending on the age and health status. Different options of physical activities in full according to the age group are suggested: competitions and various health check arrangements; restrictions of physical activities through gradual mastering movement skills on initial stage of training, physical exercises in physical therapy group under the guidance of chief medical officer of unit due to specifically developed training programs for each military man. Fundamentals of therapeutic physical training are considered as a complex of measures applied in sick or weakened person in hospital environment as well as after hospital maintenance. Following measures are taken as the basis of therapeutic physical training: physical exercises, physical activities and sanitarian regimen, nature factors, labour therapy, massage, physiotherapy, musicotherapy, phytotherapy, aerotherapy, hands-on therapy. Physical exercises take the lead among physical rehabilitation measures as physical activities are the essential condition of formation of healthy lifestyle and the basis of proper medical rehabilitation. Correct choice of rehabilitation program, physical exercises complex, intensity of therapy measures determines the favorable treatment outcome,medical rehabilitation and preparedness, restoration to service in short time.

About the authors

G. G. Dmitriev

Military Institute of Physical culture


Grigoryy G. Dmitriev

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

A. V. Gordienko

Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


Alexandr V. Gordienko

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

K. V. Romanov

Military Institute of Physical culture


Konstantin V. Romanov

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

A. Yu. Butov

Military Institute of Physical culture

Author for correspondence.

Alexey Yu. Butov

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

A. S. Balabanov

Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


Alexey S. Balabanov

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

А. L. Bobro

Military Institute of Physical culture; Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


Andrey L. Bobro

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation


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