In 2013, The IMO and ILO published the Guidelines on the medical examinations of seafarers. The ILO was responsible for the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) and IMO for the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW). The purpose of the Guidelines was to develop a document reflecting the contents of both Conventions and which will be helpful for the flag State on their implementation. Prior to the beginning work on a ship, the seafarers must hold a valid medical certificate stated that they are medically fit to perform their duties at sea. However, what kind of medical specialist should conduct such examinations and issue medical certificates? Where to find such a specialists? Only some countries offer Marine Medicine as an independent discipline on medicine faculties or as a postgraduate course on three-five days’ courses preceded by Self training preparations by materials sent to a course participant by education institution. However special training is not required. Some marine administrations require special accreditations to enable regular pre-sea examinations of sailors in preference to general practitioners, specialists in occupational disease and, in some cases, to surgeons and anesthesiologists. In some countries, it is sufcient to receive accreditation from the embassy.