- Authors: Budiev A.Y.1, Lupachev V.V.2, Kubasov R.V.2, Popov M.V.2, Kubasova E.D2
- Archangelsk Federal State Unitary Hydrographic Department
- Northern State Medical University
- Issue: Vol 5, No 1 (2019)
- Pages: 66-70
- Submitted: 06.04.2019
- Accepted: 06.04.2019
- Published: 06.04.2019
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 284
Cite item
Arctic territory of Russia is a very important strategic and economic region. In accordance of State politic it’s importance to development and supporting of Arctic regions. The authors are aim for revealing of medical supporting amount in North Sea Route (NSR). From this aim it was set tasks: to estimate a structure of medical facilities in seaports of Arctic ocean: to identify a medical qualification about sea medicine in medical facilities; to check a syatistical documents about morbidity, traumatism and death between seamen; to estimate an Russian and international cooperation in Arctic sea medicine. In results were revealed as positive well as problems in medical supporting work. At Western sector of NSR in seaports located a wide multitype clinics that provided a full specialized medical aid. A medical aid in Eastern side may realize by general practitioners in local facilities or by force medical hospitals. They make only primary medical-sanitary aid. A specialized medical aid realized only with sanitary aviation resources by evacuation of patient throw hundreds kilometers to big clinics. Authors detected a lot problem that accordance a medical supporting. They specified for Eastern side of NSR: a great distance between settlements, old and destructed medical facilities, insufciency of medics (especially emergency specialists), it is necessary to interdepartmental coordination of Healthcare management and a medical documentation is not satisfy the International convention requirements. It was attempted to comprehend a problems for Public Healthcare about sailors and other professional groups that work in Polar territory.
About the authors
A. Yu. Budiev
Archangelsk Federal State Unitary Hydrographic Department
Alexander Yu. Budiev
Russian FederationV. V. Lupachev
Northern State Medical University
Valeriy V. Lupachev
Russian FederationR. V. Kubasov
Northern State Medical University
Author for correspondence.
Roman V. Kubasov
Russian FederationM. V. Popov
Northern State Medical University
Mikhail V. Popov
Russian FederationE. D Kubasova
Northern State Medical University
Elena D. Kubasova
Russian FederationReferences
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