- Authors: Bogdanov A.A.1, Chernykh A.V.1
- Research Institute of Ship Building and Armament, Navy Academy
- Issue: Vol 6, No 1 (2020)
- Pages: 24-32
- Section: Original articles
- Submitted: 07.04.2020
- Accepted: 07.04.2020
- Published: 07.04.2020
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 333
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The modern strategy for the development of health care includes as one of the priorities maximum approach of medical services to the consumer. To solve this problem in the conditions of the Navy, it is advisable to create mobile medical complexes placed on specially equipped vessels. For the full and operational medical support of the fleet forces in specified areas of the world’s ocean at different distances from the main base sites, a system of marine mobile medical complexes should be created. In peacetime the system should include hospital ships, multipurpose vessels with a hospital on board, mobile polyclinic mobile complexes and high-speed ambulance boats. During the period of danger, the possibility should be provided for the rapid re-equipment of hospital and multifunctional vessels, as well as polyclinic complexes with an increase in evacuation capacity and an increase in the volume of medical care. For medical support of an amphibious assault operation on universal amphibious ships, a quick re-equipment of the premises specially allocated during the design process to medical facilities for emergency medical assistance and evacuation of the wounded to coastal medical institutions should be provided. In wartime, for the provision of medical care and evacuation of the wounded, vessels of various purposes must be used, the projects of which contain the capabilities and algorithms for their quick conversion into sanitary transports. Variants of the main tactical and technical characteristics of vessels of various classes intended for medical support of the fleet forces are proposed. A significant problem in the operation of medical vessels is their low patient load in the inter-transit period, which leads to the disqualification of full-time medical staff and reduces the quality of the maintenance of the vessel. When forming the operational-tactical model of operation of medical vessels, special attention should be paid to the staffing algorithms and ensuring that the courts are always ready to perform their tasks.
About the authors
A. A. Bogdanov
Research Institute of Ship Building and Armament, Navy Academy
Author for correspondence.
St. Petersburg Russian Federation
A. V. Chernykh
Research Institute of Ship Building and Armament, Navy Academy
St. Petersburg Russian Federation
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