- Authors: Bezkishkiy E.N.1,2, Nikolaenko I.O.3, Zagarov E.S.4, Tyagnerev A.T.1,5, Linchenko S.N.6, Zhmakin I.A.7, Chebotov S.A.8
- Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping
- Northern state medical University
- Medical Service of the Black Sea Navy Fleet
- Research Institute of Shipbuilding and Armed Forces of the Russian Navy of the Military Research Center of the Navy «Naval Academy»
- State Ship Acceptance Department of High Command of the Navy
- Kuban State Medical University
- Tver State Medical University
- Rostov State Medical University
- Issue: Vol 6, No 1 (2020)
- Pages: 74-81
- Submitted: 09.04.2020
- Accepted: 09.04.2020
- Published: 09.04.2020
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 338
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Full Text
Introduction. Characteristic features of tense and dangerous activities of ship and vessel specialists require constant development of their medical and psychophysiological following-up including at the stage of studying at a university and mastering a marine specialty. Complex education program for cadets often results in dysadaptation disorders and disability for successful completion. Therefore, early detection and prevention of these disorders are extremely necessary. Purpose of work: assessment of the possibilities of using an automated system for dynamic control of the process of adaptation to educational activities among cadets of marine specialties.
Materials and methods. In the course of the work, 120 cadets were examined in the initial period of their education at universities. The studies were carried out using an automated system of screening monitoring of functional state, designed on a modular basis and developed for Navy orders’ use.
The research results showed that automated systems of psychophysiological control available at the Navy make it possible to perform diagnostics of maladaptive manifestations in cadets, to carry out objective assessment and detail the revealed violations, and to forecast further dynamics of the functional state. This was evidenced by the presence of a statistically confirmed relationship between the integral indicators of the functional state recorded by the automated system and expert assessments of adaptation to educational and training activities at the university.
Conclusion. The automated system of dynamic control of the functional state and working capacity tested in this work can be effectively used in medical and psychophysiological support of cadets to assess the process of their adaptation to educational activities.
About the authors
E. N. Bezkishkiy
Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping;Northern state medical University
Author for correspondence.
Saint Petersburg;
Russian FederationI. O. Nikolaenko
Medical Service of the Black Sea Navy Fleet
Sevastopol Russian Federation
E. S. Zagarov
Research Institute of Shipbuilding and Armed Forces of the Russian Navy of the Military Research Center of the Navy «Naval Academy»
Saint Petersburg Russian Federation
A. T. Tyagnerev
Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping;State Ship Acceptance Department of High Command of the Navy
Saint Petersburg Russian Federation
S. N. Linchenko
Kuban State Medical University
Krasnodar Russian Federation
I. A. Zhmakin
Tver State Medical University
Tver Russian Federation
S. A. Chebotov
Rostov State Medical University
Rostov Russian Federation
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