Surgical treatment of military with multilevel lumbar vertebral spondylolysis
- Authors: Khominets V.V.1, Nadulich K.A.1, Nagorny E.B.1, Teremshonok A.V.1, Kudyashev A.L.1, Averkiev D.V.1, Strelba A.A.1
- S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy
- Issue: Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
- Pages: 63-73
- Section: 25
- Submitted: 20.07.2020
- Accepted: 20.07.2020
- Published: 20.07.2020
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 350
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Purpose. To demonstrate the effectiveness of an isolated fixation technique of multilevel spondylosis disorders in young patients.
Materials and methods. Two military men were operated for multilevel spondylosis of lumbar vertebra (LII, LIV and LIV, LV).
Results and discussion. Patients underwent bone autoplasty and osteosynthesis of vertebral arches using hybrid lamina transpedicular system in a screw-rod-hook form. Good anatomic and functional results were got.
Conclusion. Avoidance of fixation of intact functional spinal units allows to achieve good treatment results and classify this operation as organ sparing surgery.
About the authors
V. V. Khominets
S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy
Vladimir V. Khominets
St. Petersburg
Russian FederationK. A. Nadulich
S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy
Konstantin A. Nadulich
St. Petersburg
Russian FederationE. B. Nagorny
S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy
Author for correspondence.
Evgeniy B. Nagorny
St. Petersburg
Russian FederationA. V. Teremshonok
S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy
Andrey V. Teremshonok
St. Petersburg
Russian FederationA. L. Kudyashev
S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy
Alexey L. Kudyashev
St. Petersburg
Russian FederationD. V. Averkiev
S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy
Dmitriy V. Averkiev
St. Petersburg
Russian FederationA. A. Strelba
S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy
Alexander A. Strelba
St. Petersburg
Russian FederationReferences
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