To the question of improvement of the reporting medical documentation for a naval expedition

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Purpose. To analyze results of questionnaire survey of naval medical service specialists on the question of processing of reporting documentation during the cruise.

Materials and methods. Questionnaire survey of chief medical officers, analysis of documents, Fisher angular transformation.

Results and discussion. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of questionnaires was conducted. The analysis showed that the reporting form shall be simplified and the chief medical officer should be given greater freedom in analyzing various aspects of the medical support of the cruise (the report should be less formalized).

Conclusion. Introduction of new reporting forms will allow to evaluate the efficiency of medical component during cruise and to give scientifically based recommendations to military equipment designers, ergonomists, and fleet command on issues of optimization of habitability specifications, implementation of new life-support technologies and lowering the accident rate on naval facilities.

About the authors

D. S. Zabrodskiy

State Scientific Research Institute of Military Medicine of Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

Dmitriy S. Zabrodskiy

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation

A. G. Zaytsev

State Scientific Research Institute of Military Medicine of Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5673-5039

Anton G. Zaytsev

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation


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