Role and place of modern innovative medical technologies in treatment of viral pneumonia

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Purpose. To show the role of modern innovative medical technologies in the treatment of severe viral pneumonia caused by the COVID-19 virus.

Materials and methods. Clinical signs of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) were analyzed. Aspects of treatment of COVID-19 with the use of heated helium-oxygen mixture (HHOM) by applying Ingalit-V2-01 apparatus are shown.

Results and discussion. Successful use of Ingalit-V2-01 apparatus in 17 patients is shown.

Conclusion. Positive curative effect of modern high-technology innovative Ingalit-V2-01 apparatus, which provides a heated temperature up to 90–100° With a respiratory gas mixture of oxygen and helium together with an anticoagulant and surfactant in the early stages of coronavirus infection, it is associated not only with local (bronchopulmonary system), but also with systemic action on body.

About the authors

A. S. Svistov

Kirov Military Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0246-5680

Aleksandr S. Svistov

Saint Petersburg

Russian Federation

S. B. Onikienko

Kirov Military Medical Academy


Sergey B. Onikienko

Saint Petersburg

Russian Federation


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