Scientific basis of the physical training of the navy servicemen
- Authors: Zaytsev A.G.1, Soshkin P.A.1, Zabrodskiy D.S.1
- State Institute for Experimental Military Medicine of the Ministry of Defense
- Issue: Vol 6, No 4 (2020)
- Pages: 7-18
- Section: Review
- Submitted: 11.01.2021
- Accepted: 11.01.2021
- Published: 11.01.2021
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 383
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Full Text
Purpose. To conduct structural analysis of physical fitness of the navy servicemen from the position of bioenergetics and development of adaptative potential.
Materials and methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of science literature, structural analysis, developing of theoretical framework.
Results and its discussion. The specifics of the professional activity of the Navy servicemen require maintaining the appropriate aerobic-anaerobic structure of physical fitness. The article presents the physiological laws and pedagogical principles of the consistent development of aerobic and anaerobic human capabilities. It also establishes methodological recommendations for solving related tasks — the formation of the regulatory basis of motor actions, which constitute the biomechanical basis of professional activity, and the development of psychomotor functions.
About the authors
A. G. Zaytsev
State Institute for Experimental Military Medicine of the Ministry of Defense
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5673-5039
Anton G. Zaytsev
Russian FederationP. A. Soshkin
State Institute for Experimental Military Medicine of the Ministry of Defense
Author for correspondence.
Pawel A. Soshkin
Russian FederationD. S. Zabrodskiy
State Institute for Experimental Military Medicine of the Ministry of Defense
Dmitriy S. Zabrodskiy
Russian FederationReferences
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