Factors of nonspecific resistance in residents of the Murmansk region and the republic of Karelia

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The aim of the research was to study the factors of nonspecific resistance in residents of the Murmansk region and the Republic of Karelia and the possible influence of various natural and industrial environmental factors on them.
Materials and methods: the indicators of cellular and humoral immunity were studied, evaluated in 2224 people living in the Murmansk region (n=1118) and in the Republic of Karelia (n=1106), for the period from 2001 to 2018. The methods used to study were buccal tests, bactericidal activity of the skin, cytochemical studies (glycogen, alkaline phosphatase) of peripheral blood and differential analysis of erythrocytes. According to the data obtained, the indices of nonspecific resistance in residents of the Murmansk region are on average within the normal range, in contrast to those in the Republic of Karelia.
Results: the studies carried out revealed that human blood indices are interrelated with the indices of his nonspecific immunity when adapting to unfavorable environmental conditions in industrial cities. The following blood parameters of the inhabitants of the studied areas reacted to regional natural and industrial factors: glycogen in lymphocytes and neutrophils, basophils, monocytes, leukocytes, segmented neutrophils. Complex methods for studying the nonspecific resistance of the organism can be recommended as an express diagnosis of the influence of environmental factors on the state of the human body as a whole.

About the authors

V. I. Demidov

West Virginia University

Email: fake@neicon.ru

Vladimir I. Demidov


United States

A. A. Trotsenko

Murmansk Arctic state University

Email: trotcenko2007@yandex.ru

Alla A. Trotsenko


Russian Federation

Yu. N. Zakrevsky

Murmansk Arctic state University; 1469 Naval clinical hospital

Author for correspondence.
Email: zakrev.sever@bk.ru

Yuri N. Zakrevsky

Murmansk; Severomorsk

Russian Federation

L. V. Milyakova

Murmansk Arctic state University

Email: milyakova.larisa@masu.edu.ru

Larisa V. Milyakova


Russian Federation


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