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Ultrasound exposure causes many physical effects. Among these vibrations, light, pressure, and other microcurrents. Many researchers have studied the effect of ultrasound in animal experiments, however, to date there is no confirmed data on the biological effects of using devices with energy characteristics of the diagnostic spectrum. US still considered extremely safe way of diagnosis, despite the systematic expansion of the scope of standard techniques using Doppler, transesophageal, contrast studies. The authors investigated the effect of ultrasonic waves of low and medium intensity on the parameters of the electrocardiogram. It was found that after the US of internal organs in patients with marked changes in the electrocardiogram: myocardial electric instability, wave alternans, increased duration of electric systole and slower atrioventricular conduction. After the ultrasound number of patients with bradycardia, increased by 36%, from 14% to 50%. Under certain circumstances, the above reaction may be prognostically unfavorable.

About the authors

V. T. Koval

1477 Navy Clinical Hospital

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

G. A. Zayats

1477 Navy Clinical Hospital

Russian Federation

D. V. Golishevsky

1477 Navy Clinical Hospital

Russian Federation

A. E. Solovey

1477 Navy Clinical Hospital

Russian Federation

A. N. Rosenbaum

Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation


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