- Authors: Zhirov V.K.1,2, Zakrevsky Y.N.3, Gontar O.B.4, Megorsky V.V.4, Koygerova A.A.5, Maurcheva P.A.1
- Polar Alpine Botanical Garden and Institute
- Research Center for Biomedical Problems of Human Adaptation in Arctic of the Federal Research Center «Kola Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences»
- Murmansk State Arctic University
- Research Center for Biomedical Problems of Human Adaptation in Arctic of the Federal Research Center «Kola Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences»
- Laboratory of Medical and biological technologies of the Federal Research Center «Kola Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences»
- Issue: Vol 7, No 1 (2021)
- Pages: 7-19
- Section: REVIEW
- Submitted: 05.04.2021
- Accepted: 05.04.2021
- Published: 05.04.2021
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 420
Cite item
Full Text
The development of the Russian Arctic continental shelf with the production of large volumes of oil products, the continuation of the functioning of the well-known mining enterprises of the Kola North for the extraction of rare earth and non-ferrous metals necessary for the country’s industry, the basing of the Northern Fleet as the most important component of the country’s defense capability require good health of all categories of workers and military personnel of the continental zone and the Arctic islands in the Far North. Psychoneurological diseases, including those associated with disorders of visual perception, developing on the basis of the «polar tension syndrome», acquire special significance in these conditions. Based on the results of generalization of the views existing in the scientific literature on the integrity of the mechanisms of visual perception, a two-dimensional classification of various forms of its variability has been developed, which can be used as a methodological basis for the construction of virtual and physical medical landscapes in recreational areas of military facilities, departmental sanatoriums and rest homes for prophylaxis and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders caused by functional disorders of the body due to the impact of «polar load» and prolonged stay in closed technological spaces.
About the authors
V. K. Zhirov
Polar Alpine Botanical Garden and Institute; Research Center for Biomedical Problems of Human Adaptation in Arctic of the FederalResearch Center «Kola Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences»
Author for correspondence.
Vladimir K. Zhirov
Russian Federation
Yu. N. Zakrevsky
Murmansk State Arctic University
Yury N. Zakrevsky
Russian FederationO. B. Gontar
Research Center for Biomedical Problems of Human Adaptation in Arctic of the Federal Research Center «Kola Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences»
Oksana B. Gontar
Russian FederationV. V. Megorsky
Research Center for Biomedical Problems of Human Adaptation in Arctic of the Federal Research Center «Kola Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences»
Vladimir V. Megorsky
Russian FederationA. A. Koygerova
Laboratory of Medical and biological technologies of the Federal Research Center «Kola Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences»
Аlena А. Koygerova
Russian FederationP. A. Maurcheva
Polar Alpine Botanical Garden and Institute
Polina А. Maurcheva
Russian FederationReferences
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