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Introduction. The formation of professional burnout syndrome is largely determined by stable personality characteristics, which determine the plasticity of responding to a situation and its adaptation, which predetermines the relevance of their study.

Purpose: to assess personal characteristics based on the application of the SMIL methodology in naval specialists who have (or do not have) signs of professional burnout.

Materials and methods. The study involved 250 naval specialists aged 25 to 45, divided into 2 groups — with the absence (group 1 (n=91 people)) and the presence (group 2 (n=159 people)) signs of professional burnout, in which personality traits.

Results and its discussion. It was found that naval specialists with signs of professional burnout, in comparison with those who do not have it, have significantly higher indicators on the scales of correction, activity, masculinity, as well as significantly lower indicators on the scales of rigidity and anxiety; however, these indicators were within the average normative values and were of a relative nature.

Conclusion. The obtained data can be used in applied terms as one of the criterio

Introduction. The formation of professional burnout syndrome is largely determined by stable personality characteristics, which determine the plasticity of responding to a situation and its adaptation, which predetermines the relevance of their study.

Purpose: to assess personal characteristics based on the application of the SMIL methodology in naval specialists who have (or do not have) signs of professional burnout.

Materials and methods. The study involved 250 naval specialists aged 25 to 45, divided into 2 groups — with the absence (group 1 (n=91 people)) and the presence (group 2 (n=159 people)) signs of professional burnout, in which personality traits.

Results and its discussion. It was found that naval specialists with signs of professional burnout, in comparison with those who do not have it, have significantly higher indicators on the scales of correction, activity, masculinity, as well as significantly lower indicators on the scales of rigidity and anxiety; however, these indicators were within the average normative values and were of a relative nature.

Conclusion. The obtained data can be used in applied terms as one of the criterion guidelines at the stage of selection of naval specialists, since personality traits, being stable psychological formations, can be a kind of damper preventing the formation of unfavorable functional states in the examined persons.

n guidelines at the stage of selection of naval specialists, since personality traits, being stable psychological formations, can be a kind of damper preventing the formation of unfavorable functional states in the examined persons.

About the authors

P. A. Soshkin

State Scientific Research Test Institute of the Military Medicine

Author for correspondence.

Pavel A. Soshkin

St. Petersburg

Russian Federation


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