Мethodological approaches to substantiating the nomenclature of anthropometric indicators of operators in the interests of designing marine engineering workplaces

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The article provides an analysis of regulatory and technical documents and reference data that determine the nomenclature of anthropometric indicators for various professional categories of personnel. It is shown that the anthropological indicators given in these sources have lost their relevance due to the acceleration of the planet’s population over the past decades, as well as the absence of a whole group of necessary characteristics for the design of marine equipment. So in the standards of the 1980s, the average value of a person’s height for the 95th percentile is 183 cm, and in the European standards of 2000, the height of a man for the 95th percentile is 188.1 cm. The role of dynamic anthropometric characteristics in the justification of ergonomic requirements for control systems is shown. The basic static and dynamic anthropometric indicators necessary for the design of promising marine equipment are determined.

About the authors

A. V. Sedov

Military unit 45707

Author for correspondence.
Email: oma_sedoff@mail.ru

St. Petersburg, Peterhof

Russian Federation

Yu. B. Moiseev

Research and testing center for aerospace medicine and military ergonomics of the Central research Institute of the air force

Email: fake@neicon.ru


Russian Federation

Yu. R. Khankevich

Military unit 45707

Email: fake@neicon.ru

St. Petersburg, Peterhof

Russian Federation

D. Yu. Rogovanov

Military unit 45707

Email: fake@neicon.ru

St. Petersburg, Peterhof

Russian Federation

I. A. Bloshchinsky

Military unit 45707

Email: fake@neicon.ru

St. Petersburg, Peterhof

Russian Federation

K. V. Sapozhnikov

Military unit 45707

Email: fake@neicon.ru

St. Petersburg, Peterhof

Russian Federation

P. A. Porozhnikov

Military unit 45707

Email: fake@neicon.ru

St. Petersburg, Peterhof

Russian Federation

N. V. Yurchik

Military unit 45707

Email: fake@neicon.ru

St. Petersburg, Peterhof

Russian Federation


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