Features of functional reserves of the cardiovascular system in cadets of the maritime university in conditions of long-term navigation

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Aim: to reveal the features of cardiovascular system functional reserves in naval cadets under the conditions of a long voyage.

Materials and methods. 70 cadets undergoing training and sailing practice for 165 days on Sedov training and sailing ship were studied. Cardiovascular system reserves were determined once a month indices before taking over the watch. The results were elaborated using the SPSS program, v 17.0 (IBM).

Results and their discussion. On the first, second, and third months of the voyage, the naval cadets retained the functional reserves of the cardiovascular system, which is indicated by the typical normotonic reaction in its activity in response to physical activity.

On the fourth and fifth, the cadets showed signs of a decrease in the reserves of the cardiovascular system, which is manifested by a slower recovery after standard physical activity, a decrease in the inotropic reserve index and an increase in the chronotropic reserve index.

About the authors

A. B. Gudkov

Northern State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: gudkovab@nsmu.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5923-0941

Andrey B. Gudkov.


Russian Federation

F. A. Shcherbina

Murmansk State Technical University; Murmansk Arctic State University

Email: Runner-man@mail.ru

Fedor A. Shcherbina.


Russian Federation

O. N. Popov

Northern State Medical University

Email: popova_nsmu@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0135-4594

Olga N. Popov.


Russian Federation

V. P. Chashchin

North-Western Scientific Center of Hygiene and Public Health of Rospotrebnadzor; Nation al Research University “Higher School of Economics”

Email: valerych05@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2600-0522

Valery P. Chashchin.

St. Petersburg; Moscow.

Russian Federation


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