The main features of medical units participating in UN peacekeeping operations

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The article is devoted to the organization of medical support for UN peacekeeping operations in modern conditions. Special attention is paid to the levels of medical care for military observers in UN missions. The main tasks of medical units, their composition of forces and means, as well as their state of the material and technical base located in missions and participating in the medical support of armed conflicts are disclosed. The main performance indicators of the medical unit based on the results of the work of 2017-2018 are analyzed.

About the authors

A. V. Gritskikh

Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation

Author for correspondence.

Andrey V. Gritskikh.


Russian Federation


  1. Кафедра военной медицины (2009), Организация и военный командир, файл I, NXB. С. 259-270.
  2. Военная академия медицины (2005), ядерная медицина. С. 282-308.

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