Рroven experience in implementing proposals for improving the medical waste management system in military medical institutions of the ministry of defense of the Russian Federation

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Aim: the authors share their proven experience of participating in the development and scientific support of proposals for improving the medical waste management system.

Materials and methods. The study was carried out in the format of research work to substantiate proposals for improving the system of medical waste management in extreme conditions.

Results. It was found that the system of medical waste management, which functions stably under the conditions of daily activities in peacetime, in extreme situations fails and creates a risk of spreading infectious diseases among the personnel of medical institutions, the population, as well as environmental pollution. This problem is obvious also for military medical institutions of various power structures. The essence of the proposals is to maximize reduction of the stages of the waste life cycle, which in the applied aspect is implemented by equipping military medical institutions with standard installations for the disposal of any medical waste.

Conclusion. The value of the conducted research lies not only in the innovative nature of the proposals made, but also in the fact that they were made long before the events associated with the epidemic of coronavirus infection. The results of this work were neither appreciated at their true worth in a timely manner, nor received wide publicity and, as a result, they have not fully used to carry out preventive measures.

About the authors

S. A. Tsutsiev

State Research and Testing Institute of Military Medicine

Author for correspondence.
Email: sdsot@yandex.ru

Sergey A. Tsutsiev.

St. Petersburg.

Russian Federation

O. G. Prigorelov

State Research and Testing Institute of Military Medicine

Email: oleg76-06@mail.ru

Oleg G. Prigorelov.

St. Petersburg.

Russian Federation

S. N. Vasyagin

State Research and Testing Institute of Military Medicine

Email: gniiivm_2@mail.ru

Sergey N. Vasyagin.

St. Petersburg.

Russian Federation

P. A. Soshkin

State Research and Testing Institute of Military Medicine

Email: soshkin-med@yandex.ru

Pavel A. Soshkin.

St. Petersburg.

Russian Federation


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