Рrofessional burnout of naval personel and ways of its psychophysiological correction: a review

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OBJECTIVE: define specificity of professional burnout with regard to the Navy specialists’ activity; formulate approaches to its psychophysiological correction.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Articles in database and information system have been analyzed: Scientific Electronic Library Elibrary.ru, RISC, CyberLeninka, Scopus, WoS based on research of professional burnout among the Navy specialists. Key words like psychophysiological correction, stress and professional burnout were used.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Synthesis of literature data allowed to determine that signs of professional burnout among the Navy specialists are mainly expressed in the destructive strategy of overcoming behavior, manifested in an effort to distance themselves from a difficult situation, to shift the responsibility of its solution to others. They tend to experience existential conflicts, don’t have effective ways to cope with stress. All these exacerbate the condition of professional burnout, promote impulsiveness and decrease emotional-volitional behavior control down to expression of psychopathic tendencies in interpersonal relations, borderline nervous and mental symptoms.

CONCLUSION: Methods of psychical self-regulation will be more effective if specialists learn to practise them systematically in their position.

About the authors

P. A. Soshkin

State Scientific Research Test Institute of the Military Medicine

Author for correspondence.
Email: soshkin-med@yandex.ru

Pavel A. Soshkin — Cand. of Sci. (Med.), Head of the Research and Testing Department

195043, St. Petersburg, Lesoparkovaya st., 4

SPIN 2975–5848; Author ID 644092

Russian Federation

A. G. Zaytsev

State Scientific Research Test Institute of the Military Medicine

Email: valeeg@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5673-5039

Anton G. Zaitsev — Cand. of Sci. (Med.), Senior Researcher of the Research and Testing Department

195043, St. Petersburg, Lesoparkovaya st., 4

SPIN 4915–5781

Russian Federation

D. S. Zabrodskiy

State Scientific Research Test Institute of the Military Medicine

Email: diz-06@mail.ru

Dmitry S. Zabrodsky — Deputy Head of the Research and Testing Department

195043, St. Petersburg, Lesoparkovaya st., 4

SPIN 8849–9014

Russian Federation


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