INTRODUCTION: The maritime sector in Morocco constitutes an important economic and social lever of the country, in particular with the two maritime facades of the country. If the fishing sector is classically the dominant part of this system, the change experienced by the Moroccan economy over the past two decades and the development of the port infrastructure of the merchant marine have allowed the latter to regain its importance. This development of the marine sector has repercussions on seamen and calls into question the importance of the social issue in this area, particularly in relation to the medical care of this population.
OBJECTIVES: To research the scope of medical care issues related to merchant marine workers.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was based on the collection of data: legislative texts on occupational health and safety; statistical data from administrations (the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Marine Fisheries), the General Medical Council of Morocco, scientific societies and associations for occupational health and marine medicine. The analysis included socio-demographic and professional characteristics, training, evaluation of activities, limitations in its implementation and priority recommendations for improving the situation.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Morocco’s health system includes two areas: the commercial and fishing sectors. The study showed that there are no specialized medical centers in any of the sectors, and medical care for this population is at a low level. There is no Moroccan telemedicine system. Currently, Morocco has already defined a legal framework for this practice.
CONCLUSION: This article sheds light on the health system of seamen in Morocco while highlighting its strengths and weaknesses as well as avenues for reflection for the improvement of existing anomalies.