Mathematical model for forecasting the desadaptation of military personnel of the navy according to the results of psychological testing: retrospective study
- Authors: Chebotareva N.V.1, Levchenko Z.A.2, Syrtsev A.V.2, Dnov K.V.3, Gabueva F.A.3, Yatmanov A.N.2
- 907 Joint Training Center of the Navy
- Research Institute of Rescue and Underwater Technologies of the Military Educational and Scientific Center Naval Fleet «Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov»
- Military Medical Academy
- Issue: Vol 8, No 3 (2022)
- Pages: 22-29
- Submitted: 22.10.2022
- Accepted: 22.10.2022
- Published: 22.10.2022
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 576
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INTRODUCTION: Disadaptation to the conditions of military service is manifested in young recruits in the first 1– 2 months of service, in graduates of training military units — within 2–4 weeks after arrival, and in contract military personnel — during the first three months of service. The effectiveness of the prevention of these risks primarily depends on the quality of the study of military personnel, the adoption of the necessary measures for the early identification of persons with unstable mentality, deviations in physical development and mental health.
OBJECTIVE: to develop a mathematical model for predicting the maladjustment of the military personnel of the navy.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: 307 men, conscripts aged 18–23 years old in the joint training center of the Navy were examined. 14 of them with objective signs of maladjustment. The following methods were used: a questionnaire of volitional self-control, a technique for diagnosing a dominant mental state, a test «Communicative and organizational inclinations», a brief orientation test, a multifactorial personality questionnaire «Adaptiveness», a questionnaire for character traits of an adult, a test for determining a tendency to deviant behavior, a test «Forecast-2».
RESULTS: When performing discriminant analysis using the «forward step by step» method, a highly informative model was obtained: Lambda Wilks: 0.82590 approx. F(7.299)=9.0041 p<0.0001. Linear classification function «Norm»=–47.1631+2.6336׫Personal adaptive potential»+1.1769׫Self-control»+2.3582׫Tendency to overcome norms and rules»+0.1035׫Behavioral regulation»+0.6821׫Social desirability»–0.1497׫Emotional stability»+7.8663׫Number of solved intelligence tasks». Linear classification function «Disadaptation»=–44.6142+1.6254׫Personal adaptive potential»+0.5151׫Self-control»+1.9143׫Tendency to overcome norms and rules»+0.5895׫Behavioral regulation+0.1439׫Social Desirability»+0.1439׫Emotional Stability»+8.5341׫Number of Solved Intelligence Tasks». DISCUSSION: Predictors of maladjustment in the navy is a combination of indicators: personal adaptive potential and behavioral regulation of the Adaptability method, the self-control subscale of the volitional self-control questionnaire, the indicator of the propensity to overcome the norms and rules of the test for determining the propensity for deviant behavior, the scale of emotional stability and the scale of orientation toward social the desirability of a methodology for diagnosing a dominant mental state, the number of completed tasks of a short orientation test. >< 0.0001. Linear classification function «Norm»=–47.1631+2.6336׫Personal adaptive potential»+1.1769׫Self-control»+2.3582׫Tendency to overcome norms and rules»+0.1035׫Behavioral regulation»+0.6821׫Social desirability»–0.1497׫Emotional stability»+7.8663׫Number of solved intelligence tasks». Linear classification function «Disadaptation»=–44.6142+1.6254׫Personal adaptive potential»+0.5151׫Self-control»+1.9143׫Tendency to overcome norms and rules»+0.5895׫Behavioral regulation+0.1439׫Social Desirability»+0.1439׫Emotional Stability»+8.5341׫Number of Solved Intelligence Tasks».
DISCUSSION: Predictors of maladjustment in the navy is a combination of indicators: personal adaptive potential and behavioral regulation of the Adaptability method, the self-control subscale of the volitional self-control questionnaire, the indicator of the propensity to overcome the norms and rules of the test for determining the propensity for deviant behavior, the scale of emotional stability and the scale of orientation toward social the desirability of a methodology for diagnosing a dominant mental state, the number of completed tasks of a short orientation test.
CONCLUSION: The developed mathematical model for predicting maladjustment of military personnel of the navy is expedient to use when conducting medical and psychological support for conscripts.
About the authors
N. V. Chebotareva
907 Joint Training Center of the Navy
Author for correspondence.
Natalya V. Chebotareva — psychologist
199106, St. Petersburg, Bolshoi Prospekt V.O., 102
Russian FederationZ. A. Levchenko
Research Institute of Rescue and Underwater Technologies of the Military Educational and Scientific Center Naval Fleet «Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the SovietUnion N. G. Kuznetsov»
Zemfira A. Levchenko — Cand. of Sci. (Med.), Head
198411, St. Petersburg, Lomonosov, Morskaya st., 4
Russian FederationA. V. Syrtsev
Research Institute of Rescue and Underwater Technologies of the Military Educational and Scientific Center Naval Fleet «Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the SovietUnion N. G. Kuznetsov»
Aleksey V. Syrtsev — Cand. of Sci. (Psy.), Senior
197045, St. Petersburg, Ushakovskaya embankment, 17/1
Russian FederationK. V. Dnov
Military Medical Academy
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1054-4779
Konstantin V. Dnov — Cand. of Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor, Lecturer
194044, St. Petersburg, st. Botkinskaya, 17A
Russian FederationF. A. Gabueva
Military Medical Academy
Fatima A. Gabueva — Cand. of Sci. (Med.), Head of the Department of the Center for the Coordination of Medical Support of the
Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
194044, Russia, St. Petersburg, st. Botkinskaya, 17A
Russian FederationA. N. Yatmanov
Research Institute of Rescue and Underwater Technologies of the Military Educational and Scientific Center Naval Fleet «Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the SovietUnion N. G. Kuznetsov»
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0043-3255
Aleksey N. Yatmanov — Cand. of Sci. (Med.), Junior Researcher
198411, St. Petersburg, Morskaya st., 4
Russian FederationReferences
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