Рrofessional burnout syndrome as a manifestation of stress in naval specialists of different age groups

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OBJECTIVE: To assess the symptom severity and formation of professional burnout syndrome (PBS) in naval experts of different age groups.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: 849 naval experts, aged 25–45 were examined. Based on generally accepted methods, there was the evaluation of professional burnout and stress, considering clinical-psychophysiological features of the respondents with a different severity level of symptom manifestation. Moreover, to assess the dynamics of professional burnout in naval experts, performing military service as part of Arctic division, subgroups by age were identified out of the total sample (N=127): the group of persons, performing military service as part of Arctic division aged 25–30 included 21 people (n1=21), aged 31–40–72 people (n2=72), aged 41–45–34 people (n3=34). Statistics: Statistic analysis of the data was conducted using the application package «STATISTICA 6.0» and spreadsheet Microsoft Excel-2010.

RESULTS: The formation nature of PB syndrome in naval experts of different age showed that the persons, performing military service as part of Arctic division, aged 25–30, experienced a high rate of stress phase (68,1±7,9 points), indicating its formation, and 39,8±7,5 points in the resistance phase, indicating the process of this phase formation; yet there were normative values (28,4±5,1 points) on the exhaustion phase in this group of people. The naval experts, performing military service as part of Arctic division, aged 31–40, experienced a high rate of stress phase (72,8±7,9 points) and resistance phase (73,4±11,5 points), indicating their formation in the examined individuals; at the same time the indicators on the exhaustion phase did not overcome the normative values of 26,7±7,2 points. The naval experts, performing military service as part of Arctic division, aged 41–45, experienced average normative values on stress phase (25,9±3,8 points), resistance phase (23,9±3,9 points); yet there was formation of exhaustion phase (39,1±6,9 points).

DISCUSSION: The analysis allowed to reveal age-sensitive formation of professional burnout syndrome. It is shown that individual manifestations of the syndrome form clear modal symptoms among different age groups. The specifics of neuropsychic disorders in naval experts of different age groups were identified.

CONCLUSION: The data analysis allowed to conclude that prevention of PBS formation and its successful overcoming could largely be achieved by naval experts’ implementation of optimal strategies for coping with stress and using constructive and mature psychological defenses in their behavior.

About the authors

P. A. Soshkin

State Research and Testing Institute of Military Medicine

Author for correspondence.
Email: soshkin-med@yandex.ru
SPIN-code: 2975-5848

Pavel A. Soshkin — Cand. of Sci. (Med.), Head of Department

195043, St. Petersburg, Lesoparkovaya str., 4

Russian Federation

O. E. Simakina

Institute of Experimental Medicine; St. Petersburg Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology

Email: simakinaoe@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6384-2772

Olga E. Simakina — Cand. of Sci. (Biol.), Researcher at the Laboratory of Chronic Viral Infections of the Department of Ecological Physiology; researcher at the Laboratory of Immunology and Virology of HIV Infection

St. Petersburg, Pavlova str., 12

Russian Federation


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