INTRODUCTION: Until recent times, the questions of tooth enamel functional resistance and possibility of its increase on long voyage were not thoroughly investigated that poses medical and social problems in maritime medicine.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the dynamics of tooth enamel functional resistance for seafarers and possibility of its increase on long voyage.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: 49 men aged 19-27 were monitored for 9 months, being periodically examined once a quarter for assessing tooth enamel functional resistance, done by TER test. The seafarers had in-depth examination in the first week of voyage and then every 3 months, i.e. 4 times for each examined seafarer. The first control group included 23 men, who carried out their standard 2-time individual oral hygiene per day on long voyage. The second main study group included 26 seafarers, who additionally used remineralizing tooth gel ASEPTA after individual oral care.
RESULTS: At the voyage start rates of tooth enamel functional resistance to acid were almost the same for the seafarers of the 1st and 2nd groups and were 2,12±0,17 and 2,13±0,17 srvc. units, respectively. On long voyage the seafarers of the 1st group tended to have lower tooth enamel functional resistance up to 2,52±0,12 srvc. units, while the seafarers of the 2nd group experienced significant increase in tooth enamel functional resistance up to 0,79±0,21 srvc. unit, which indicates effectiveness of their using remineralizing tooth gel ASEPTA.
DISCUSSION: The daily use of remineralizing tooth gel ASEPTA by the seafarers of the 2nd main study group on long voyage allowed to increase numerical rating of tooth enamel resistance by 37,1%, being an important factor in preventing the risk of dental caries.
CONCLUSION: On long voyage seafarers experience decline in tooth enamel functional resistance with commonly accepted individual oral hygiene. The use of remineralizing tooth gel ASEPTA allows to improve tooth enamel functional resistance. Thus, its application can be recommended in seafarers’ individual oral hygiene on long voyage.