Vol 9, No 2 (2023)

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Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases and risk factors for their development in the Arctic countries

Orlova N.V., Sapozhnikov S.A.


INTRODUCTION. Severe climatic conditions, state of the environment, water and air quality and other factors affect human health in the Arctic region, including cardiovascular system. The study of these factors is necessary to create measures to prevent the development of diseases.
OBJECTIVE. Analyze morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases in the Arctic countries as well as risk factors of their development.
MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study analyzed PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar database over 25 years from 1998 to 2023. The search terms included the keywords: cardiovascular diseases, climate, risk factors, adaptation, morbidity, mortality, Arctic.
RESULTS. It was found that primary morbidity exceeds the all-Russian value 1,4 times in the Arctic region. Mortality by main causes of death for 2015–2019 over a 5-year period tends to decrease. There are similar data in other Arctic countries, including cardiovascular diseases. Mortality rate among Arctic indigenous groups is not the same.
DISCUSSION. Scientists consider the effect of extremely low temperatures and the body’s adaptive capacities, toxic effects of harmful chemicals and insufficiency of vitamin D due to reduced sun exposure to be among health hazards in Arctic, including cardiovascular system. Cardiovascular diseases were noted to be seasonal.
CONCLUSION. Arctic public health depends on many reasons, including the body’s adaptation to extreme habitat conditions, social conditions, ecology, lifestyle and nutrition, availability of medical care and drug provision.

Marine Medicine. 2023;9(2):7-17
pages 7-17 views

Marine hydrobionts are a perspective source of means for the prevention of radiation-induced disturbances

Polovov S.F., Ivanushko L.A., Smolina T.P.


INTRODUCTION: Today unstable world environment increases the threat of technogenic accidents at nuclear power facilities that requires an active search for radioprotectors that meet safety requirements, efficiency and reliability of their operation when exposed to the body of ionizing radiation. Over the past decades scientists of this area have turned their attention to biologically active substances (BAS) from marine hydrobiotics, representatives of which are triterpene glycosides (holothuria) and sulfated polysaccharides (brown seaweed fucoidan).
OBJECTIVE: Study and synthesis of domestic and international experience, resulting from ongoing research in Russia and abroad; search for ways to prevent, minimize negative postradiation effects and correct these damages using biologically active compounds, derived from marine hydrobionts.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study used materials of domestic and foreign authors, covering the historical period from building an atomic weapon to modern times, characterized by the threat of using “dirty bombs”, terrorist attacks on peaceful nuclear power facilities (NPF). Search terms include international and Russian database (PubMed, eLIBRARY.RU) and also search queries (see keywords).
RESULTS: It was found that polysaccharides and polyphenolic compounds occupy a leading place in many publications due to their low toxicity compared to other natural and commercial radioprotective agents. The study assesses the relationship between key radioprotective properties (antioxidant, antiradical, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress) and BAS radioprotective activity. It outlines action mechanisms of different radioprotectors.
DISCUSSION: To date, the issue of practical pharmacology remains relevant – creating effective drugs of radiation protection. In crisis (emergency) conditions radioprotection use and support of body hematopoietic function are the crucial factor in the outcome of the body struggling for survival. However, in addition to emergency a new purpose of radioprotectors has been often mentioned in the scientific community in recent times – as means of lesion prevention, caused by low-dose and chronic exposure. The results of scientific experiments around the world demonstrates the consensus view within Russian and foreign scientists regarding a positive radioprotective effect of different BAS groups from marine hydrobionts (triterpene glycosides, sulfated polysaccharides, chitosan, etc.). However, there is a discussion of divergent scientific approaches to assessing the impact of chronic and low-dose exposure (“radiation hormesis” and “non-threshold concept of radiation effect”) on the body. The views on a single problem, proposed for discussion, suggest the relevance of further scientific research for ways to overcome the negative impact of radiation-induced damage effects to biological organisms.|
CONCLUSION: Marine hydrobionts can be considered as a highly promising source of biologically active substances for creating pharmaceutical drugs. Diverse spectrum of their biological activity causes scientific interest around the world. Domestic scientists pay close attention to the subject due to several reasons: favorable geographical location (the Pacific Ocean, contiguous to the borders of the Far East and Primorsky Krai), cost-effectiveness of raw material extraction and biological substance production, fast natural reproducibility of the resource base as well as advantages of biological properties in the resulting material over foreign analogues.

Marine Medicine. 2023;9(2):18-31
pages 18-31 views


Stress factors in psycho-neurological disorders’ pathogenesis in HIV-infection

Ulyukin I.M., Rassokhin V.V., Orlova E.S., Sechin A.A.


The lecture systemizes modern ideas about the role of stress in the development of neuropsychiatric disorders in people with HIV (PLWH): variety of stress factors, mechanism of their involvement in pathogenesis, main clinical implications, prevention and measures of maintaining mental health. There was the analysis of currently relevant groups of people with chronic stress and various characteristics: demographic, social, age, ethnic, etc., with an increased risk of susceptibility to HIV infection that can lead to additional somatic and behavioural consequences. A special attention is paid to the effect of background psychological stress burden, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, direct and indirect virologic pathogenic effects of HIV on the human body.
The lecture is intended for a wide range of specialists, participating in planning and implementing prevention programmes, medical, social and psychological support in different populations and workplace.

Marine Medicine. 2023;9(2):32-48
pages 32-48 views


Role of telomere length in assessing prognosis of pneumonias severity of different etiology: open prospective non-intervention study

Makiev R.G., Mironov I.V.


INTRODUCTION: Searching for an early marker in assessing the severity of community-acquired pneumonia is a global issue in modern medicine. As such a biological marker of community-acquired pneumonia severity, the assessment of telomere length peripheral blood lymphocytes on the day of inpatient treatment may be suggested.
OBJECTIVE: Study prognostic value of telomere length in assessing prognosis of pneumonia severity of different etiology.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study involved a group of 97 patients with community-acquired pneumonia of different etiology (viral pneumonia, caused by COVID-19 and bacterial pneumonias). Blood samples were taken on admission and discharge from hospital in accordance with informed voluntary consent. Telomeres were measured in DNA, secreted from peripheral blood lymphocytes, using the manufacturer’s protocol kit (Biolabmix, Novosibirsk).
RESULTS: Depending on the severity, the assessment of telomere length in patients with viral pneumonias showed that in the group 1 at admission the value of this indicator was 6343 (6114; 6422) kilobases, whereas in the second group it was statistically significantly lower - 5264 (5057; 5423) kilobases (p<0.001).
DISCUSSION: The study results showed that all patients with severe viral pneumonia, caused by a new coronavirus infection, after 3 weeks in hospital experienced significant reduction of telomere length not less than 2000 base pairs. Analyzing the data, we managed to confirm the hypothesis of much more severe viral pneumonia in patients with low telomere lengths. CONCLUSION: It was found that telomere length changes significantly in the dynamics of bacterial and viral pneumonia and can be considered as a marker of severity and prognosis of the disease course in the early stages of diagnosis.

Marine Medicine. 2023;9(2):49-55
pages 49-55 views

Application of hyperbaric oxygenation in patients with a new coronavirus infection COVID-19: prospective study

Struk Y.V., Savilov P.N., Yakusheva O.A., Vakhtina E.B., Efremova O.Y., Perveeva I.M., Verikovskaja A.V.


OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of hyperbaric oxygenation HBO on the dependence of COVID-19 patients on constant oxygen support and clinical and biochemical parameters that are markers of the severity of this pathological condition.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: 30 patients were examined with the diagnosis of “Coronavirus infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus” (20 - CT1-2 patients, 10 – CT 3-4 patients) who were on constant oxygen support from the first day of admission to the hospital. Twenty patients (the main group) were assigned a six-day course of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) in the mode of 1.4 ata - 60 min, one session per day. The procedure was carried out in the domestic pressure chamber “BLKSM”. At the time of the appointment of the HBO course, the patients were on endonasal oxygen supply for 3 to 5 days (EOS, 8-10 liters per minute) or from 2 to 4 days on noninvasive ventilation of the lungs (NIVL). The indication for the appointment of HBO was the inefficiency of the oxygen support provided. Before and after each HBO session, the patient’s subjective state was assessed, blood oxygen saturation was measured, the dynamics of the content of leukocytes, platelets, C-reactive protein (CRP), ferritin and transferase activity were evaluated. The control group (10 people) consisted of COVID-19 patients who had contraindications to the use of HBO (claustrophobia, bullous lung disease). Statistics. Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out using the program “Statistica 10.0” (Dell Inc., USA).
RESULTS: Already by the 3rd HBO session, five out of 10 COVID-19 c CT1-2 patients did not need constant oxygen support, and 4 out of 5 COVID-19 c CT 3-4 patients switched from NIV to EOS. After the 6th HBO session, only one patient needed constant oxygen support (EOS), which was canceled 4 days after the end of the HBO course. There was no lethality in this group. In patients of the control group, oxygen support was distributed as follows: on the first day - 8 people on EOS, 2 on NIVL; on day 3- 4 people on EOS, 6 on NIVL; on day 7 -3 people on EOS, 4 on NIVL, two on invasive ventilation of the lungs (IVL). By the 14th day, five people did not need constant oxygen support, 2 on EOS. 1 on NIVL; two patients who were on a ventilator died. In the main group, the elimination of hypoxemia was noted on the 6th day of HBO use, whereas in the control group it persisted by the 14th day of treatment. Regardless of the severity of the pathological process, the use of HBO caused a decrease in the content of blood leukocytes, not exceeding the lower limit of the norm, reduced the degree of hyperferritinemia. The rate of decrease in the blood of C-reactive protein (CRP) under the influence of HBO was inversely dependent on the severity of the pathological condition.
DISCUSSION: The rapid refusal of patients with COVID-19 from constant oxygen support during the course of the use of HBO indicates the ability of hyperbaric oxygen to eliminate violations of the gas exchange function of the lungs. At the same time, HBO has an anti-inflammatory effect on the sick body, acting as a synergist with drug therapy, which is manifested by a decrease in the content of acute phase proteins in the blood and the elimination of leukocytosis. The rate of decrease in the blood of C-reactive protein (CRP) under the influence of HBO was inversely dependent on the severity of the pathological condition.
CONCLUSION: Course application of HBO in 1.4 ata mode, 50 min, one session per knock. It is an effective method of treating respiratory failure and preventing its progression in patients with COVID-19.

Marine Medicine. 2023;9(2):56-67
pages 56-67 views

Retrospective analysis of blood fatty acids profile on member of the military

Lyudinina A.Y., Parshukova O.I., Bojko E.R.


INTRODUCTION: The study of the profile fatty acids (FA) as an energy and functional link of physical performance among enforcement agencies seems to be very relevant.
OBJECTIVE: Assessment of the blood FA profile of the body of military before and after a 4-month special duty associated with health and life risks.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective, between-subjects, repeated measures, study was conducted during 2014 year. 25 OMON fighters of the Komi Republic were examined before the trip and after a 4-month trip to the North Caucasus, where they constantly experienced combat stress. As a comparison group - employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (12 man). The level of FAs pool in total blood plasma lipids was determined by gas chromatography.
RESULTS: During the initial examination of OMON fighters, a higher proportion of hypercholesterolemic myristic acid was revealed in both groups relative to the recommended norms. Its level was significantly higher in the special forces group and averaged 1.5 mol% (p = 0.028). The level of essential n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the blood plasma (α-linolenic and eicosapentaenoic acids) reduced relative to the baseline values in the participants against the background of a high proportion of linoleic acid was established, as evidenced by the high value of the n6/n3 index - 13.8 / 1 at the recommended standards of WHO 5- 7/1. A re-examination of OMON officers conducted after a trip showed a significant decrease in the level of saturated (p=0.040) and essential n-3 docosahexaenoic (p=0.000) and α-linolenic acids (p=0.003) in blood lipids in 92% and 68% of the subjects respectively. At the same time, the proportion of docosahexaenoic acid in the blood negative correlated with the indicator of personal anxiety (r= -0.32; p=0.028).
DISCUSSION: The professional activity of military and the presence of regular psycho-emotional stress most significantly affect the essential part of fatty acids. The conducted study indicates the need to optimize the diet of participants and additional intake of food supplement, n-3 PUFAs enriched.

Marine Medicine. 2023;9(2):68-76
pages 68-76 views

Application of objective diagnostic methods to assess professionally important qualities of divers

Andrijchenko A.M., Emushintsev P.A.


OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of professionally important diver’s qualities through objective diagnostic methods, the use of which may be recommended to improve activities of professional psychological selection.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study involved a diving unit in the amount of 16 people aged 25-45 years with work experience from 2 to more than 10 years. The studied men specialists, for health reasons, based on the annual military-medical commission, are fit to serve in the diver specialty and approved for diving descents to a depth of 60 meters. The following methods were used to evaluate personal professionally important qualities (further - PIQ): Ch.D. Spielberger, Yu.L. Hanin, G.Eysenck (EPi), C. Thomas, 16-factor personality questionnaire by Cattell, J.Rotter SCL. The following methods were used to evaluate intellectual PIQ: Schulte-Platonov, MIOM complex intelligence structure test. the following methods were used for evaluating psychophysiological PIQ: tepping-test, SVMR by T.D. Loskutova, “Landolt rings” test. The methods’ testing was held in two stages to prove its reliability (in summer and winter periods of study).
RESULTS: The detailed psychological diver profile is formed that includes the main personal, intellectual and psychophysiological PIQ. There is a tendency of changing intellectual and psychophysiological PIQ during the time that indicates a mutual influence of PIQ and professional (labor) activity. In turn, personal PIQ remain unchanged. In this regard, the proven methods can be recommended to improve activities of professional psychological selection. However, it is necessary to develop additional ones for monitoring the success of professional (labor) activity.
DISCUSSION: It was found that diver’s predominant type of temperament is sanguine or phlegmatic, the distinctive feature of which is the strong nervous system and high performance. Responsibility, perseverance, determination, emotional discipline helps to reduce the level of conflict in the team during diving operations, and also it can be a prognostic indicator to determine the success of professional activity. There is a general tendency of average values in studying intellectual abilities, though a high level of amount and attention set-shifting are characterized by high ability to perceive both a large number of unrelated objects that allows to perform multiple tasks simultaneously and to make the right decision in an extreme situation. Descending and intermediate type of nervous system allow to perform monotonous tasks long time with minimal errors. There is the maintenance of working capacity and endurance, resistance to interference, reliability in critical situations. Specialists can work in a stable environment with moderate information intensity prior to fatigue. Such comprehensive differentiated approach to study the specialty of “diver” allows to organize PIQ properly to improve activities of professional psychological selection.

Marine Medicine. 2023;9(2):77-89
pages 77-89 views


Application of Stellar invasive telemetry system in the study of liquid breathing technology in hyperbaric stand

Sobyanina G.N., Malkov S.Y., Pavlov M.I.


OBJECTIVE: To study specific features of the invasive telemetry system Stellar in implementing liquid breathing technology under excessive water pressure.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study of liquid breathing in hyperbariс conditions was carried out on the hyperbaric stand, providing a simulated immersion/emersion of a laboratory animal up to a depth of 1500 m. Dynamic monitoring of key indicators of the animal’s body functional systems was performed with the patient monitor Dixon Storm 5770 Vet. During bench tests, the frequency of the laboratory animal’s independent breathing, the core body temperature (Тº С), heart rate (HR), electrocardiopraphic research data through invasive telemetry Stellar were recorded in real time.
RESULTS: Before the bench tests the invasive telemetry system Stellar was implanted in the body of the laboratory animal. The process of simulated immersion/emersion of laboratory animals on the hyperbaric stand was 390 sec. at a total immersion time 570 sec. During the bench tests the laboratory animals experienced hypothermia with a rectal temperature 32,1 º С, their breathing after decompression was registered at the level of 28 breaths /min. Bradycardia was recorded at a level of 66-70 beats/min after extracting the laboratory animal from the hyperbaric stand. Under decompression the vast majority of the laboratory animals showed full restoration of the sinus rhythm. At the same time, restoration of the rhythm was not recorded with 2 laboratory animals with ST-segment elevation and depression, provoked by myocardial hypoxia.
DISCUSSION: Under different modes of barometric pressure during liquid breathing on the hyperbaric stand the laboratory animals experienced hypothermia, accompanied by transient ischemic changes in the myocardium, determined by immersion length and depth. Liquid respiratory desaturation under ultra-fast decompression revealed inversely proportional dependence of external respiration function on the basic characteristics of the external environment.
CONCLUSION: The expedience of applying the test hyperbaric stand, which allows to simulate high hydrostatic pressure for imitating immersion/emersion of laboratory animals when studying liquid breathing technology. The bench tests attested indispensability of applying the invasive telemetry system Stellar for monitoring functional parameters of laboratory animals, measuring peculiarities of body’s adaptation in extreme water conditions. Liquid respiratory desaturation under ultra-fast decompression revealed inversely proportional dependence of external respiration function on the basic characteristics of the external environment. Systematic empirical data indicate potential benefit from the invasive telemetry system Stellar in studying liquid breathing under the conditions of hyperbaric stand.

Marine Medicine. 2023;9(2):90-97
pages 90-97 views

The role of a family and a close environment in the formation of the resilience of the extreme activity subjects: cross-sectional study

Kotovskaya S.V., Boyko I.M., Mosyagin I.G., Khokhrina A.I.


OBJECTIVE: To study the role of family and close environment in the formation of a high level of resilience of subjects in the sphere of extreme activity.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study involved 748 male subjects of different professional groups whose daily activity included an extreme component at the content level. From them two groups were distinguished - with a low level of ability to live (55 people) and with a high level of ability to live (397 people). Interpersonal relations were diagnosed in all participants. The role of the family and the immediate environment was assessed according to the author’s questionnaire.
RESULTS: In the low and high resiliency group, 42.6 % and 44.6 % of respondents were confident in most of their coworkers; conflicts among colleagues were denied by 51.1 % and 57.2 % of those surveyed; 48.9 % and 57.9 % of wives had a positive attitude toward their husband’s profession, respectively.
DISCUSSION: Subjects of extreme activity with a high level of resiliency in interpersonal relations aspire to close cooperation with the reference group, to friendly relations with others. Respondents with a low level of resiliency are characterized by greater emotional coldness and aloofness in meaningful interpersonal relationships. They are less tolerant of change of environment and more easily lose their equilibrium in social conflicts with co-workers and superiors. Congruent interaction with a significant reference environment contribute to the leveling of conflict situations, so the formation of not just a favorable climate of the team, and the maintenance of comradery, companionship, brotherly relations, based on the principles of mutual respect and mutual support determines the maintenance of a high level of professional vitality in the subjects of the extreme profile.

Marine Medicine. 2023;9(2):98-104
pages 98-104 views


Prevention of seals to caries and ways to reduce it in durable sailing

Serikov A.A., Iordanishvili A.K.


INTRODUCTION: Until recent times, the questions of tooth enamel functional resistance and possibility of its increase on long voyage were not thoroughly investigated that poses medical and social problems in maritime medicine.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the dynamics of tooth enamel functional resistance for seafarers and possibility of its increase on long voyage.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: 49 men aged 19-27 were monitored for 9 months, being periodically examined once a quarter for assessing tooth enamel functional resistance, done by TER test. The seafarers had in-depth examination in the first week of voyage and then every 3 months, i.e. 4 times for each examined seafarer. The first control group included 23 men, who carried out their standard 2-time individual oral hygiene per day on long voyage. The second main study group included 26 seafarers, who additionally used remineralizing tooth gel ASEPTA after individual oral care.
RESULTS: At the voyage start rates of tooth enamel functional resistance to acid were almost the same for the seafarers of the 1st and 2nd groups and were 2,12±0,17 and 2,13±0,17 srvc. units, respectively. On long voyage the seafarers of the 1st group tended to have lower tooth enamel functional resistance up to 2,52±0,12 srvc. units, while the seafarers of the 2nd group experienced significant increase in tooth enamel functional resistance up to 0,79±0,21 srvc. unit, which indicates effectiveness of their using remineralizing tooth gel ASEPTA.
DISCUSSION: The daily use of remineralizing tooth gel ASEPTA by the seafarers of the 2nd main study group on long voyage allowed to increase numerical rating of tooth enamel resistance by 37,1%, being an important factor in preventing the risk of dental caries.
CONCLUSION: On long voyage seafarers experience decline in tooth enamel functional resistance with commonly accepted individual oral hygiene. The use of remineralizing tooth gel ASEPTA allows to improve tooth enamel functional resistance. Thus, its application can be recommended in seafarers’ individual oral hygiene on long voyage.

Marine Medicine. 2023;9(2):105-110
pages 105-110 views


Sample size calculation using G*Power software

Krieger E.A., Drachev S.N., Mitkin N.A., Postoev V.A., Grjibovski A.M.


Sample size calculation is a critical step in planning a research project to obtain valid and generalizable results in biomedical sciences. It enables researchers to reach a balance between time, resources, and ethical considerations when planning and conducting research. Statistical software can assist in calculating sample size, but calculation method depends on the data characteristics and the research question.
This article presents a practical tool for calculating the required sample size for studies that aim to compare measures of central tendency for several research questions using the G*Power software. Sample size calculation for Student’s unpaired t-test, oneway analysis of variance (ANOVA), as well as their non-parametric analogs – Wilcoxon and Mann–Whitney tests are presented. The article walks readers step by step through sample size calculations for the abovementioned situations using practical examples. Therefore, this paper has a potential to become a valuable resource for junior researchers who are at the planning phase of their research. It serves as a practical guide for calculating the required sample size for parametric and nonparametric methods of analysis to test statistical hypotheses about the equality of measures of central tendency in unpaired groups.

Marine Medicine. 2023;9(2):111-125
pages 111-125 views


Role of secondary school teachers in implementing tasks to preserve health of adolescents, preparing for service in Russian army and navy

Zakrevsky Y.N., Losev V.R., Gun G.E.


Current health indicators of modern schoolchildren, spending more than one third of the day in the educational organization, have negative tendencies. Deterioration of students’ health in recent decades has actualized the need to implement health system requirements in educational organizations, provided for by law № 273-FL (as amended on 01.03.2020) “On education in Russian Federation”. Due to the shortage of healthcare workers at schools, part of the tasks in preserve and strengthening students’ health can be achieved by teachers considering their professional retraining in the system of additional professional education. The study reveals the main areas of teachers’ work for creating health saving environment in the educational organization to implement sanitary and hygienic tasks to promote health of future recruits.

Marine Medicine. 2023;9(2):126-130
pages 126-130 views

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