Role of secondary school teachers in implementing tasks to preserve health of adolescents, preparing for service in Russian army and navy

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Current health indicators of modern schoolchildren, spending more than one third of the day in the educational organization, have negative tendencies. Deterioration of students’ health in recent decades has actualized the need to implement health system requirements in educational organizations, provided for by law № 273-FL (as amended on 01.03.2020) “On education in Russian Federation”. Due to the shortage of healthcare workers at schools, part of the tasks in preserve and strengthening students’ health can be achieved by teachers considering their professional retraining in the system of additional professional education. The study reveals the main areas of teachers’ work for creating health saving environment in the educational organization to implement sanitary and hygienic tasks to promote health of future recruits.

About the authors

Yu. N. Zakrevsky

Murmansk Arctic State University;
1469 Naval Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense

Author for correspondence.

Yuri N. Zakrevsky – Dr. of Sci. (Med.), Dean of the Medical Faculty, Professor of the Department of Clinical Medicine;


183038, Murmansk, Kapitan Egorov str., 15

Russian Federation

V. R. Losev

Murmansk Arctic State University


Vladimir R. Losev – Cand. of Sci. (Med.), Associate  Professor of the Department of Clinical Medicine, dentist  of the highest qualification category

183038, Murmansk, Kapitan Egorov str., 15

Russian Federation

G. E. Gun

Murmansk Arctic State University


Grigory E. Gun – Dr. of Sci. (Med.), Professor of the  Department of Clinical Medicine, Honored Doctor of the  Russian Federation, doctor of the highest  qualification category

183038, Murmansk, Kapitan Egorov str., 15

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2023 Zakrevsky Y.N., Losev V.R., Gun G.E.

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