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The results of a dynamic 5-month electrocardiographic examination of two recruit groups of the Navy training center located in the European North have been presented. The first group (n=37) consisted of the recruits from the RF southern regions, the second group (n=37) consisted of the recruits from the northern regions. With use of an electrocardiograph ЭК1Т-03М, electrocardiograms were recorded monthly, deflections’ duration and amplitude, duration of intervals and segments were measured manually. It has been established that by the end of the training in the training center in group 1, deflection P duration, PQ intervals showed a statistically significant increase, and the recruits from group 2 did not show such changes. Deflection T amplitude changed to a greater degree also in the recruits of group 1. The military men from group 1 used more time for regeneration of the right myocardium out of the total duration of the electric systole than for the processes of excitation propagation. In group 1 in the first 5 months, both the right and left heart compartments were in condition of functional stress, but it concerned more the right heart. In group 2, only the left heart was in condition of functional stress, what was probably caused by absence of climatic-zonal contrasts in this group during active duty recall.

About the authors

A. B. Gudkov

Northern State Medical University; Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University

Author for correspondence.
Email: gudkovab@nsmu.ru
Russian Federation

O. N. Popova

Northern State Medical University; Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University

Email: popovaon@nsmu.ru
Russian Federation

V. D. Ivanov

Northern State Medical University

Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation

A. A. Nebuchennykh

Northern State Medical University

Email: gigiena@nsmu.ru
Russian Federation


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