Marine Medicine

Peer-review quarterly medical journal





The journal "Marine Medicine" publishes in Russian and English languages the reviews, research articles, cases reports and letters covering the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of sailors and marine industry specialists as well as exploring maritime climate influence o the health of the population of various coastal regions of the world.

The target audience of the journal is Russian and international representatives of scientific and academic organizations of biomedical and marine areas, shipbuilding and shipbuilding enterprises, health authorities in coastal regions, as well as manufacturers of medical devises and drugs.

The aim of the publication is updating the  target audience with promising scientific (organizational, clinical, physiological and hygienic, treatment and preventive, sanitary and anti-epidemic, environmental, medical and biological, medical and social, medical and psychological, pharmacological, psychophysiological, engineering and psychological and ergonomic) developments in the field of life support, efficiency, reliability, maintaining professional health and extending the professional suitability of ship specialists and other subjects of maritime activities, as well as the population of coastal regions.

For more information about the subject scope of the journal please see the section "Aims and Scope”.

The journal is included in the List of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals recommended for publishing articles for the science degrees.

Indexing: VINITI, RSCI (Science Index), Scientific Electronic Library eLibrary, Google Scholar, Russian State Library, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Socionet, Dimensions.


Main information about Journal

  • Frequency: 4 times per year (quarterly)
  • Number of articles per issue: 12-15
  • Geographic diversity of editors: from 12cities, from 7 countries
  • Top readership countries: Russia, Spain, Morocco.
  • Percentage of accepted manuscripts: 90 %
  • Average time from submission to publication of a manuscript: 64 days

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Vol 10, No 3 (2024)

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Interpretation of Clinical Blood test. Part 2. Platelets
Bazarnyi V.V., Grebnev D.Y.

Modern hematology analyzers make it possible to give an informative evaluation of platelet parameters, which characteristic this lecture is devoted to, being the continuation of the lecture series on clinical blood test, started in 2023. Along with platelet count, mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width (PDW), platelet large cell ratio (%) (P-LCR), platelet crit (РСТ), immature platelet fraction (IPF), mean platelet component (МРС), mean dry platelet mass (MPM), platelet component distribution width (PCDW) are considered. Despite the fact that each platelet parameter has the certain clinical value, the whole combination of them should be evaluated if possible. In some cases, it is important to assess morphology and location of these formed elements in the stained blood smear.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(3):7-13
pages 7-13 views


Infectious diseases – one of leading health challenges
Lobzin Y.V., Belozerov E.S.

OBJECTIVE. To analyze morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases in the world and Russia, to evaluate their role in factors determining public health.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. There has been analysis of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar database in 30 years, from 1993 to 2023. The search was carried out by keywords infectious diseases, epidemiology, risk factors, morbidity, mortality, prevention.

RESULTS. Acute infectious disease of an especially dangerous group (plague, cholera), typhoid fever and typhus, devastating until the twentieth century, have been significantly reduced, smallpox was eradicated at the planetary level. However, prevalence of infectious diseases in Russia has remained high in the last hundred years without the tendency for reduction due to change in the nosological form. There is the growth trend of diseases of viral etiology in the world. Acute respiratory viral infections (вирусы по планете распространяются «со скоростью самолета») take up to 90 % in the overall morbidity. Preventive vaccination remains an available, effective and economically feasible way to fight against infectious diseases. Unfortunately, 20 % of mothers are opposed to their children’s vaccination.

DISCUSSION. Infectiology issues of recent years are characterized by the following notions: “new and recurrent infections”, “tripledemic”, “antibiotic resistance”, “pathogens of pandemic potential”, attesting to increased pressure of infectious diseases on humanity and first of all as the price paid for progressive growth of population on the planet and its density as well as growth of harmful environmental factors and lifestyle (inactivity, obesity) with suppressive effect on the immune system and nonspecific defense factor. In Russia a growing tendency of countering preventive vaccination is one of significant factors, reducing the effectiveness of the fight against infectious diseases.

CONCLUSION. Health of the Russian population heavily depends on widespread infectious diseases without the tendency for reduction. A specific weight of infectious diseases of viral etiology is increasing at the planetary level, including the appearance of nosological forms with potential pandemic spread.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(3):14-25
pages 14-25 views
Specifics of Crewmembers’ Vaccination on Sea vessels in COVID-19 Pandemic
Gasretova T.D., Volkova V.V.

OBJECTIVE. To analyze the current state of the problem regarding vaccinal prevention in the crew of sea vessels against actual respiratory infections in the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection, to determine the tactics of vaccination and a range of recommended immunobiological drugs to do it.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. Analyzed 33 articles from the scientometric databases of RSCI, ResearchGate, PubMed for 2010–2022, 74 % of which have been published over the past five years. All the used primary sources contained highly informative, statistically reliable data (query words: seafarers’ health-care, seafarers’ infectious incidence, selective vaccination of adults, flu vaccination, diphtheria, pertussis).

RESULTS. The main types of vaccine were considered to immunize professional risk groups, including crews of sea vessels, against actual respiratory infections (flu, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), existing in the Russian Federation, their safety, efficacy and promising directions of improvements. Vaccinal prevention should be conducted according to the National Vaccination Calendar in the Russian Federation for adults considering periodicity of planned revaccination (annually against flu, every 10 years against diphtheria and tetanus). The study shows the need to update regulatory documents, regulating the procedure for conducting vaccination of adults based on the consensus among experts of XI International educational consensus on respiratory medicine and the project of Calendar of preventive vaccination for adults. Quadrivalent influenza vaccine based on A(H1N1), A(H3N2), B/line Victoria, B/line Yamagata; combination vaccines ADS-M, TDaP as well as pentavaccines (TDaP, supplemented by components against Hib-infection, HBV or poliomyelitis) are most relevant to use.

DISCUSSION. Crews of sea vessels are groups with special working environment, related to enclosed and limited workspace for a long time, overcrowding, prolonged isolation, possible carriers of pathogens of infections and other adverse factors; there is a high risk of introduction and spread of infectious diseases. Considering “vaccine dependence” phenomenon in our society, timely vaccination is the optimal strategy of monitoring infectious diseases. Against the backdrop of COVID-19 pandemic and due to probability of co-infections, caused by simultaneous human infection with SARS-CoV-2 and flu viruses as well as mixed viral and bacterial respiratory infections, it is particularly important to immunize seafarers against seasonal flu (annually from September to December), vaccinate or revaccinate against diphtheria, pertussis and also tetanus every 10 years.

CONCLUSION. Professional risk groups, including crews of sea vessels, need prioritized selective vaccination against current infections (flu, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, etc.), which is a safe and cost-effective way for seafarers to stay healthy and have a long life in the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection. Vaccine prevention should be conducted according to the National Vaccination Calendar in the Russian Federation for adults, considering periodicity of planned revaccination (annually against flu, every 10 years against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus).

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(3):26-37
pages 26-37 views
Use of stress tests to study human water-elecgrolyte metabolism and kidney function in extreme conditions of space and diving medicine
Shitov A.Y., Zverev D.P., Myasnikov A.A., Klenkov I.R., Andrusenko A.N., Israfilov Z.M., Kolchanov S.P.

OBJECTIVE. Determine prospects of using kidney stress tests to study water-electrolyte metabolism and kidney function under the action of extreme factors in diving descents.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. There was a review of works from the scientometric databases Scopus, (Russian Science Citation Index – RSCI), PubMed, Google Scholar, Ulrichsweb. The analysis was based on keywords and phrases in Russian and English: an astronaut, water-electrolyte metabolism, diver, stress kidney test, excretory system, kidney function, diuresis, kidney. 87 literary sources were selected for the period 1970–2023, of which 36 works were included in the review, which corresponded inclusion and exclusion criteria. Moreover, at least 45 % of the works, included in the review, have been published for the last twenty years, at least 20 % of works – for the last 10 years.

RESULTS. To study kidney function and water-electrolyte metabolism in the practice of space medicine, testes with water load in the volume of 20 ml/kg of body weight, load with 10 % solution of potassium chloride at the rate of 0,55 ml/kg of body weight, sodium chloride and calcium lactate were used. Stress tests have shown that fluid retention after space flight is a compensatory reaction to developing hypohydration and aims to replenish losses of extracellular fluid. Water-sault load was also used to increase human orthostatic resilience both under normal conditions and with exposure of hypoxic hypoxia to the body. Research with the use of kidney stress tests has just begun in diving medicine. Currently obtained data demonstrates the need to develop the system to diagnose changes in water-electrolyte metabolism in divers under the action of hyperbaric factors using functional kidney stress tests.

DISCUSSION. When using various water-sault loads, the body’s ability to retain an excess of substances in the depot as well as quickly dispose of others, currently redundant, is of utmost importance. The use of kidney stress tests in diving medicine would make it possible not only to detect mechanisms for regulating kidney functions and to evaluate the state of water-electrolyte metabolism, but also to determine the reserve capacity level of the excretory system of the body.

CONCLUSION. In space medicine the system of measures has been developed to diagnose water-electrolyte metabolism and to manage resistance to adverse factors of orbital flight by changing the hydration of the body tissues using water-sault supplements and diuretics. The development of such system is an important scientific problem in diving medicine. Further research into the use of kidney stress tests will help to form a system of diving disease prevention due to diagnosis of changes in kidney function and developed methods of exposure to water-electrolyte metabolism.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(3):38-50
pages 38-50 views


Prevention and treatment of jaw alveolitis in seafarers under long-term voyage: cross-sectional study
Serikov A.A., Iordanishvili A.K.

INTRODUCTION. The jaw alveolitis in seafarers during long-term voyage is common, and issues of improving its prevention and treatment are an important medical and social problem of maritime medicine.

OBJECTIVE. Evaluate the incidence of the jaw alveolitis in seafarers under long-term voyage and improve efficacy of its prevention and treatment.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study of the incidence of the jaw alveolitis, methods of its prevention and treatment was carried out, involving 118 seafarers, aged 19-42 under long-term voyage (9 months). In the first 3 month of sailing (I stage of the clinical trial; n = 56), dental extraction was performed by the standard procedure, while methods of alveolar socker protection were not used. In the next 3 months (II stage of the clinical trial; n = 62) dental extraction was also performed by the standard procedure, but it was completed, using preservative technique by coating the formed blood clot with one layer of adhesive gingival balm ASEPTA. To treat the jaw alveolitis at stage I of the clinical trial, there was curettage of the alveolar socket or, with the possibility of conservative treatment, the dental gel “Gerpenox” of domestic production was administered into the socket. For conservative treatment of alveolitis at stage II of the clinical trial, ASEPTA dental gel with propolis was used. Pain symptoms in a day as well as periods of time for filling the sockets of the extracted teeth with granulation tissue were taken into account to evaluate efficacy of conservative alveolitis treatment at the stages of the clinical trial.

RESULTS. During long-term voyage seafarers experience acute jaw alveolitis in 30,4 % of cases after tooth extraction in the absence of measures to conserve the socker. The use of generally accepted methods of conservative jaw alveolite treatment has enabled to eliminate pain symptom in seafarers within 10–12 hours after the start of treatment and to ensure filling of sockers with granulation tissue on the 8–12th day. Socker conservation with the adhesive gingival balm has significantly reduced the incidence of alveolitis as complications of tooth extraction, and use of the gingival gel ASEPTA allowed to shorten the period of filling tooth sockers with granulation tissue by 1–3 days.

DISCUSSION. Use of new domestic means for preventing and treating acute jaw alveolitis by seafarers, occurring after tooth extraction, can significantly improve indicators on prevention and conservative treatment of this disease, mainly due to the technique of socker conservation and rational use of drugs for conservative alveolitis treatment. Use of the adhesive gingival balm ASEPTA for closing the socker after tooth extraction has reduced the incidence of acute jaw alveolitis by 19,07 %.

CONCLUSION. The study results have led to the conclusion about the value of the adhesive gingival balm ASEPTA and the gingival gel ASEPTA with propolis for maritime medicine, which can be used for prevention and treatment of the jaw alveolitis in seafarers during long-term voyage.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(3):51-56
pages 51-56 views
Dymanics of processes of psychological adaptation to educational process in students of humanities university: retrospective study
Kolchev A.I., Martirosyan A.M., Stepkina E.K., Barazenko K.V., Kolcheva Y.A., Apchel V.Y., Dnov K.V., Yatmanov A.N.

OBJECTIVE. Study the dynamics of the processes of psychological adaptation to the educational process in student of Humanities University.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. There was screening of 90 people, aged 17-21, who entered their first year at Humanities University. Monitoring was performed annually for 4 years of study. Research methods: questionnaire, shortened multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI) in the adaptation by V. P. Zaytsev and V. N. Kozyula (1981), Accentuated radical questionnaire (B. V. Ovchinnikov, I. V. Tyuryapina, 2016), Leonhard personality questionnaire.

RESULTS. It was found that about half of the screened named the desire to become an expert in the chosen sphere as the main reason for enrolling at a higher educational institute. In our trial 73 people (82 %) reached the final year of study. Depending on the year of study, it should be underlined that the most frequent reason for expulsion in the first year was reluctance to continue their education, which gradually decreased with each year as well as exclusion due to low performance; expulsion for disciplinary offences increased in the second year of study. The analysis of accentuated radicals, obtained from students, shows that Humanities Universities are dominated by the number of students with hyperthymic type and their number increases over time, with a simultaneous reduction in hypothymic personal manifestations. The predictor of the student’s expulsion was a combination of indicators: the motivation to become an expert, the number of absences, personal radicals – psychasthenic and hyperthymic one. Yet, the psychasthenic personal radical is significantly more expressed in the expelled students, and they have significantly more absences. The graduated students have more expressed hyperthymic personal radical and they have a significantly higher motivation to become experts in the chosen sphere.

DISCUSSION. The research results support the view of other scientists on a transformation of personal characteristics in the process of activity. It is shown that в Humanities Universities are dominated by student with hyperthymic personal radicals and their number increase over time that may be explained by conditional desire of character traits, peculiar to “hyperthym”: activity, sociability, vitality, rapid adaptation to changing conditions, etc. Psychasthenic personal radical has a decreasing tendency during the course of study that might be caused by a reduction in the general level of anxiety, which was increased in this type of personality during the period of adaptation to the new learning environment. It is also possible that students with the leading psychasthenic radical had failed to adapt to studying at the university and were expelled.

CONCLUSION. The main factors, affecting professional orientation and success of learning activity, are personality’s motivational attitudes. There is a natural dropout rate of students with certain personality traits, preventing successful adaptation in the group in the educational process.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(3):57-65
pages 57-65 views
Epidemiological characteristics of ophthalmological diseases in adult population of novaya zemlya archipelago during polar night: descriptive study
Mishin I.Y., Alekperov S.I., Ganapolsky V.P., Soshkin P.A.

OBJECTIVE. Give the epidemiological characteristics of ophthalmological diseases in the adult population of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago during the polar night.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. There was the analysis of ophthalmological morbidity in the adult population of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago during the polar night from November, 20, 2019 to January, 20, 2022. The studied contingent: men, aged 18-55 (n = 1630) and women, aged 22-45 (n = 698), living in the Novaya Zemlya archipelago.

RESULTS. 352 visits to a doctor on the ophthalmological profile were recorded during the study period in the Novaya Zemlya archipelago: 83 – in 2019, 98 – in 2020, 80 – in 2021 and 91 – 2022. The ration of ophthalmological morbidity in the adult population of the Novaya Zemlya during the polar night was в 38,2 % – in 2019, 39,9 % – in 2020, 38,2 % – in 2021 and 39,6 % – in 2022. The structure of ophthalmological morbidity on nosological groups is presented as follows: 76,7 % – conjunctival diseases, 11 % – eyelid diseases, 7,4 % – refractive errors, 2 % – diseases of the lacrimal apparatus, 1,7 % – lens diseases, 0,6 % – corneal diseases, 0,6 % – retinal diseases.

DISCUSSION. The analysis has shown that the highest ratio in the structure of long-term annual average ophthalmological morbidity in the adult population of the Novaya Zemlya is observed during the polar night – 1st rank place (the rate of 95 % confidence: from 34,6 to 40,6 ‰). Pathology of inflammatory genesis is 87,8 %. Diseases of the non-inflammatory nature are mainly represented by refractive disorders (7,4 %) and to a lesser extent – pathology of metabolic processes in the body (4,8 %).

CONCLUSION. It is bellieved that ophthalmological morbidity is 23% higher during the polar night than in other light periods of the year. It is determined that в the major risk factors for ophthalmological pathology during the polar night are the lack of natural light, low sub-zero temperature and reduced body reactivity due to hypovitaminosis.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(3):66-72
pages 66-72 views
Epidemiological characteristics of shock-producing injuries of chriminal nature in arctic zone of arkhangelsk region: descriptive study
Gudkov S.A., Barachevsky Y.E., Popova O.N., Bragina S.V.

INTRODUCTION. To specify organizational and therapeutic-tactical issues at the stages of treating shock-producing injuries of a criminal nature, it is necessary to take into account their epidemiological features in a particular sector of the country.

OBJECTIVE. Determine epidemiological features of shock-producing injuries of a criminal nature in the Arkhangelsk region.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. According to the criteria of the retrospective case reports, there was the analysis of accounting form of medical records in 31 patients with shock-producing injuries in a criminal situation and 109 patients – in a non-criminal one. Quantitative (presented by simple arithmetic mean with 95 % of confidence interval) and categorial variables (presented as a percentages) are used in a statistical analysis of the results obtained. Statistical software package STATA ver.12 was applied.

RESULTS. It was found that men of the most active working age get criminal shock-producing injuries in the vast majority of cases (approximately 90%) and 7 times more often, compared to women. About 60 % of the injured are unimployed. More than 50 % were in a state of intoxication. The highest risk of criminal shock-producing injuries occurred in summer and autumn, and the lowest one (about 15 %) – in winter. The peak of criminal shock-producing injuries accounted for Saturdays and Sundays (almost 40 %) as well as during the evening and night from 22.00 to 02.00 (about 45 %), and the lowest (about 10 %) number of cases (6,4 %) was stated on Monday and from 04.00 to 08.00 a.m.

DISCUSSION. The main burden in preventing shock-producing injuries of a criminal nature is not in the medical, but in the social and economic sphere: legislative and executive authorities, law enforcement, employment service, educational authorities and institutions, mass media. The specifics of the health system response to shock-producing injuries of a criminal nature will focus primarily on the pre-hospital stage.

CONCLUSION. The social-hygienic portrait of the injured with shock-producing trauma of a criminal nature is as follows: these are men of working age, more than half of them do not work, received a knife wound mainly in summer or autumn, usually on weekends, late in the evening or early in the night, more often indoors, the severity of the shock is mainly II degree.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(3):73-79
pages 73-79 views
Model of zone formation of radioactive contamination: predictive study
Vilkov A.V., Kuz’min J.P., Lebedev M.J., Makeykin E.V., Najdanov A.F., Svitnev I.V., Haritonova E.A.

INTRODUCTION. In the face of modern threats and hazards health remains the most important value for people. Health is the basis of human potential, the key to prosperity and sustainable development of the society. Nowadays increasing threats of global terrorism are one of external hazards, which have modern models of weapons, including the ones with radioactive material in their arsenal. The article describes the process of forming the zone of radioactive contamination (RC) of the terrain in case of radiological weapon use that obviously impacts on public health in the affected area.

OBJECTIVE. Develop the model for forming the zone of RC in case of radiological weapon use or emergency situation, associated with violation of the rules for nuclear or radiation safety, including radiation hazardous facilities of the Russian Federation Navy.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. The method is based on creating a two-stage model of RC of the terrain. Mathematical calculations have resulted in a model allowing to determine spatial characteristics of radiation dose rate and to predict the consequences of radiation exposure to objects.

RESULTS. The model makes it possible to evaluate the extent of radiation ionizing effect on human health in the zone of RC.

DISCUSSION. The proposed model for forming the zone of RC, unlike others, allows to determine spatial characteristics of dose rate distribution in case of radioactive substance use for terroristic purposes.

CONCLUSION. The mathematical model for formind the zone of RC in case of radiological weapon use or emergency situations of technogenic nature as well as acts of sabotage at radiation-hazardous facilities of the Navy allows to determine spatial characteristics of radiation dose rate distribution and to predict the consequences of radiation exposure to objects and primarily to the population in radioactively contaminated areas.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(3):80-87
pages 80-87 views
Use of neural networks for medical and psychological support of military personnel: retrospective study
Yatmanov A.N.

OBJECTIVE. Evaluate the possibility of using neural networks in the medical and psychological support of military personnel.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. There was screening of 1822 cadets of the Navy Military Training and Research Centre “the Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov”, aged 18-27. Subjects were divided into 2 groups: “Norm” (n = 1507) and “Maladaptation” (n = 315). The screening was carried out using multidimensional personality questionnaire “Adaptability” and methods of intellectual development diagnosis КР-3-85. Statistical processing was performed using Stat Soft Statistica 10.0 software package. Check for rate normality was carried out via the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Comparative analysis of indicators with normal distribution was evaluated using Student’s t-test. Проанализирована Spearman’s rank correlation was analyzed in order to check the data for multicollinearity. Mathematical modeling was conducted with the use of neural networks. The model efficacy was assessed by the level of sensitivity and specificity.

RESULTS. Cadets with maladaptation are characterized by lower rates of the personal adaptation potential, moral normativity and test results: memory for figures, pattern determination. Neural network is a powerful instrument for systematization, making it possible to reliably classify cadets with socio-psychological maladaptation. Yet, neural network is characterized by high specificity.

DISCUSSION. The obtained results support the conclusions of other scientists that neural networks are able to classify various states with high accuracy. A significant shortcoming in neural network is incomplete information on identified connections and patterns from researchers’ side.

CONCLUSION. The use of neural networks will enhance the efficiency of measures to provide medical and psychological support for cadets.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(3):88-93
pages 88-93 views
Sexual characteristics of genetic determination of human propensity to aggressive, suicidal and addcitve behavior: descriptive study
Mulik A.B., Shatyr Y.A., Ulesikova I.V., Buntovskaya A.S., Trandina A.E., Cherniy E.V., Doletsky A.N., Kunavin M.A., Nazarov N.O., Glushakov R.I.

INTRODUCTION. A lot of biological, including genetic predictors of specific deviations are associated with gender. Previously performed own studies revealed stable combinations of genetic status indicators, fully correlated with aggressive, suicidal and addictive behavior. These behavioral deviations are the basis for social and criminal tension in society, which justifies the expediency of further study of their genetic etiology based on gender.

OBJECTIVE: describe genetic determination of male and female propensity to aggressive, suicidal and addictive behavior.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study involved 300 men and women, aged 18–25 of the Caucasian race, indigenous people of the Crimean Republic, Arkhangelsk and Volgograd regions. The study participants’ propensity to aggressive, suicidal and addictive behavior was evaluated using standard methods of psychological testing. Laboratory genetic study was carried out by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in real time. SNP were investigated: rs6923492 (GRM1), rs4680 (COMT), rs1851048 (CACNA2D3-1), rs6777055 (CACNA2D3-2), rs2562456 (ZNF-LD), rs1800497 (DRD2), rs6280 (DRD3). Statistical data analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis test

RESULTS. In SNP rs6923492 (GRM1) Т/С genotype shows a minimal indicator intensity of the propensity to aggressive, suicidal and addictive behavior in both men and women. С/С and Т/Т genotypes are equally characterized by relatively increased values of the analyzed indicators. А/А rs4680 (COMT) genotype is characterized by the minimum level of the studied deviation manifestations. Among G/G genotype carriers, indicators of the propensity to aggressive, suicidal and addictive behavior prevail only in the group of men. On the contrary, among G/А genotype representatives, the propensity to aggression and suicide is pronounced only in the group of women. The maximum level of alcoholism and tobacco smoking in the female sample is equally manifested in G/А and G/G genotype representatives. Regardless of gender, G/G rs1851048 (CACNA2D3-1) genotype carriers are characterized by minimum, and G/А genotype carriers – maximum values of risk indicators of developing aggressive, suicidal and addictive behavior. In polymorphism rs6777055 (CACNA2D3-2) carriers of А/А genotype are characterized by minimum, and А/С genotype carriers – maximum expression of suicidality indicators among both men and women. А/А rs2562456 (ZNF-LD) genotype carriers are characterized by minimum intensity of single aggression indicators in men as well as indicators of aggression and suicidality in women. Genotypic analysis of SNP rs1800497 (DRD2) found a significant level of differences in indicators of aggressive and addictive behavior only in women between carriers of С/С (minimum values) and С/Т (maximum values) genotypes. Analysis of rs6280 (DRD3) polymorphism determined that maximum intensity of aggression and suicidality indicators is expressed in carriers of Т/С genotype regardless of gender. Indicators of the propensity to chemical addictions prevail additionally in women with Т/С genotype.

DISCUSSION. There are defined systemic connections between sexual identity, risk indicators of aggressive, suicidal and addictive behavior and analyzed polymorphisms and relevant human genotypes. It has been proven that the genetic status and person’s gender identity should be considered as the main factors of biological predisposition to deviant behavior.

CONCLUSION. As a result, the study has specified biological risks of forming aggressive, suicidal and addictive behavior, that would contribute to the development of effective measures to prevent deviant human behavior.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(3):94-107
pages 94-107 views
Toxicological evaluation of gel, containing sulfated polysaccharides of brown seaweed: experimental study
Kuznetsova T.A., Klimovich A.A., Chingizova E.A., Polovov S.F.

OBJECTIVE. Under experimental conditions, give toxicological evaluation of the gel composition based on natrium carboxymethyl cellulose (Na-CMC), containing sulfated polysaccharides of brown seaweed (SPS).

MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study object is the gel composition. Experiments were carried out on white male mice. The work consisted of toxicological research methods with the evaluation of the gel toxicity with parenteral and cutaneous application, including survival rate, mass coefficients of organs, clinical and hematologic, biochemical parameters and allergenic properties.

RESULTS. It was found that the test gel composition does not show a general toxic effect in parenteral administration and extended cutaneous application (for 1 month), does not cause changes in behavioral reactions as well as impaired motor activity of the animals. Physiological parameters of body weight and internal organs of mice, treated with the gel, were within the normal range. The gel does not adversely affect hematological and biochemical blood values of the experimental animals. The gel application does not cause the phenomenon of sensitization.

DISCUSSION. The developed gel composition does not have a toxic effect on the experimental animals in parenteral and cutaneous application.

CONCLUSION. Toxicological evaluation of the test gel demonstrates its safety and its use in the long term in both civilian healthcare and the interests of military medicine.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(3):108-116
pages 108-116 views
Evaluation and correction of vitamin sufficiency in persons working on rotational basis in chukotka autonomous okrug: cohort study
Potolitsyna N.N., Kaneva A.M., Boyko E.R.

INTRODUCTION. A reduced level of vitamins in the blood is a widespread condition in the North: on average 30–47 % of the screened have various vitamin deficiency. However, few studies of vitamin status were carried out among residents of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug– one of the most remote and isolated regions of the Asian part of Russia with harsh climatic conditions.

OBJECTIVE. Carry out research on vitamin sufficiency in residents and visitors of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, working on the rotational basis, before and after correcting by vitamin-mineral complex.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. As part of the integrated Arctic expedition locals (n = 13) and visitor (n = 16) of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug were screened three times (at the beginning of the expedition, 14 days after vitaminizing and 12 after its completion) from August to September. The level of vitamins А, В1, В2, С, Е and 25OH-vitamin D was evaluated by generally accepted methods in venous blood. The nature of the actual nutrition was studied using the questionnaire method.

RESULTS. At the study’s start 25 % of local and 38 % of male visitors experienced polyhypovitaminosis. Overall, the incidence of vitamin А and Е deficiency was higher in local workers, and vitamin В1, В2 deficiency – in visitors. Vitamin В deficiency was high in both groups of persons, but it was 1,56 times higher in visitors. More than 90 % of persons in both groups had an adequate level of vitamin С. After completing the vitaminizing course over 75 % of people had normal level of vitamin В1, Е and С (in both groups) and vitamin В2 (in local workers). The incidence of vitamin А (in both groups) and В2 (in visitors) deficiency remained high. There was further normalization of vitamin status in both groups on the 12th day after vitaminizing, no cases with polyhypovitamins were detected. The diet was stable in energy value during the entire examination period and was 3974,7 kcal/day on average. There were no statistically significant differences between the actual nutrition indicators in local and imported workers.

CONCLUSION. Despite high energy value of nutrition, the screened groups experienced prevalence of vitamin-deficient status. A 14-day course showed a positive effect, especially in local workers. A slower improvement in vitamin status was observed in visitors. The level of vitamin D, which was not corrected, reduced during the expedition, especially in visitors.

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(3):117-125
pages 117-125 views
Use of digital methods in psychocorrective therapy in naval specialists with cardiovascular pathology in the far north: retrospective study
Gertsev A.V., Kuznetsov S.A., Arkhangelskiy D.A., Bondar S.A., Shevchenko A.G.

OBJECTIVE. Develop digital methods of psychocorrective therapy in naval specialists with cardiovascular pathology in the Far North.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. There was scanning of 230 men aged 39-48 with an average age (42,2±3,8), suffering from cardiovascular pathology in comorbidity with mental illness. The therapeutic effect of the treatment was evaluated in patients with only standard therapy with cardiotropic drugs or in combination with the use of psychotropic medication (nootropics, day anxiolytics) or with medical and psychological rehabilitation and digital (computer) psycho-physiological therapy.

RESULTS. The adverse effects of naval labour factors on the state of health in naval specialists are characterized by rising onset of clinical symptoms of existing disease, manifested by an increase in the number of their requests for medical assistance to a cardiologist of the clinic about complaints, hospital readmissions and prolonged bed-day for 12 months. Naval specialists with cardiovascular pathology, medical and psychological rehabilitation and digital psychophysiological therapy in combination with the basic treatment, are characterized by a lower number of requests for medical assistance about complaints and hospital readmissions (bed-day) for 12 months after discharge, compared to patients of other subgroups.

DISCUSSION. For 12 months an increasing number of hospital readmissions and visits to a cardiologist were registered in naval specialists in the multimorbid course of chronic CAD and HD stage 1, compared to other patients, which indicates the formation of “mutual burden syndrome” in them. The presence of “mutual burden syndrome”, apart from naval labour factors, causes a deterioration in the clinical course of chronic CAD and HD stage 1, increases resistance of these diseases to the medication load with cardiotropic drugs and prolongs a bed-day in a year. The use of digital methods of psychophysiological correction in combination with the main treatment of cardiovascular disease in naval specialists prevents adverse effects of naval labour factors on the state of health, maintains the lasting therapeutic effect for at least 12 months after their discharge from the hospital and improves the clinical and economic aspect of medical assistance in the treatment of such patients (reduced costs of medicines, average bed-day in a year).

CONCLUSION. The use of digital methods of psychocorrective therapy in combination with the main treatment of cardiovascular disease in naval specialists improves the clinical and economic aspect of medical assistance in the treatment of such patients (reduced costs of medicines, average bed-day in a year).

Marine Medicine. 2024;10(3):126-135
pages 126-135 views

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