Helium physico-chemical «recruitment» of pulmonary alveols in prevention of alveolar collapse and prevention of acute respiratory distress syndrome in patients with severe COVID19 pneumonia
- Authors: Svistov A.S.1, Mosyagin I.G.2, Simakina O.E.3
- Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov
- High Command of the Navy
- Institute of experimental medicine
- Issue: Vol 6, No 4 (2020)
- Pages: 73-81
- Submitted: 11.01.2021
- Accepted: 11.01.2021
- Published: 11.01.2021
- URL: https://seamed.bmoc-spb.ru/jour/article/view/391
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22328/2413-5747-2020-6-4-73-81
- ID: 391
Cite item
Full Text
Purpose. Show the significance of helium heated to 95°C (as part of Thermogeliox) in reducing the surface tension of water, including the liquid and cellular fraction of blood, which normalizes the movement of red blood cells in the capillaries and preserves the physiological function of the alveolar — capillary space, improving gas exchange in the alveoli.
Materials and methods. The data on the dynamics of complaints and anamnesis, clinical symptoms, results of laboratory and instrumental studies, the results of pathological, pathomorphological and histological manifestations of severe coronavirus pneumonia (CVP) complicated by acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) were analyzed.
Results and its discussion. In the complex treatment of severe coronavirus infection (CVI), it is proposed to use the modern innovative medical technology «SIMT», which includes a modern device «Ingalit B2–01», inhaling a respiratory gas mixture heated to 90–100°C — thermogeliox, consisting of oxygen 20–30% and helium 70–80%, alternating with inhalation of pulmonary surfactant by a nebulizer. It is advisable to inject the anticoagulant under the skin. It has been shown that the development of ARDS in CEP is associated with acute coronavirus alveolitis. A quick positive systemic therapeutic effect — the prevention of ARDS in patients with severe CVP when using our proposed «SIMT» is due to a number of physicochemical and physiological effects of thermal helium.
Materials and methods. The data on the dynamics of complaints and anamnesis, clinical symptoms, results of laboratory and instrumental studies, the results of pathological, pathomorphological and histological manifestations of severe coronavirus pneumonia (CVP) complicated by acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) were analyzed.
Results and its discussion. In the complex treatment of severe coronavirus infection (CVI), it is proposed to use the modern innovative medical technology «SIMT», which includes a modern device «Ingalit B2–01», inhaling a respiratory gas mixture heated to 90–100°C — thermogeliox, consisting of oxygen 20–30% and helium 70–80%, alternating with inhalation of pulmonary surfactant by a nebulizer. It is advisable to inject the anticoagulant under the skin. It has been shown that the development of ARDS in CEP is associated with acute coronavirus alveolitis. A quick positive systemic therapeutic effect — the prevention of ARDS in patients with severe CVP when using our proposed «SIMT» is due to a number of physicochemical and physiological effects of thermal helium.
About the authors
A. S. Svistov
Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov
Author for correspondence.
Email: pr.svistov@gmail.com
Aleksandr S. Svistov
Russian FederationI. G. Mosyagin
High Command of the Navy
Email: mosyagin-igor@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2414-1644
Igor G. Mosyagin
Russian FederationO. E. Simakina
Institute of experimental medicine
Email: r154ao@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6384-2772
Olga E. Simakina
Russian FederationReferences
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