Determination of a professionogram of the divers spesialty according to personal and psychophysiological characteristscs

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OBJECTIVE: To study divers’ professional (labor) activity and to develop specialty professiogram «diver» by personal and psychophysiological characteristics.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study involved 16 people (men), aged 25–45 years, having served from 2 to more than 10 years. The methods of professional graphic research, according to the developed scheme in three stages were applied. The first stage included analysis of the governing documents, current documentation, study of work tasks and work monitoring. In the second stage there was analysis of scientific literature, containing information from the study area. Methods of observation, survey, oral intake, questionnaire and method of expert assessments were studied. The third stage analysed the method of expert assessments.

RESULTS: As result of the study professiogram was developed, and highlighted professionally important qualities in it might become a significant indicator in determining professional competence in the specialty «diver» at the stage of selecting and training highly-qualified staff.

DISCUSSION: The main predictors, affecting the efficiency of professional activity, are personal (type of temperament — sanguine or phlegmatic, lack of claustrophobia, switching from one activity to another, memory length, figurative thinking) and psychophysiological characteristics (noise immunity to various distractions and environmental factors, lability of the nervous system, high reaction speed, switching ability, stable coordination of movements). Their intensity allows to define professionals’ typological features and to form a picture of individual self-regulation style, behavioral reaction, backing up phsychological stability and success in performing professional tasks.

About the authors

A. M. Andrijchenko

198 Research Centre, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8052-8718
SPIN-code: 6466-2341

Anna M. Andrijchenko — research associate department scientific and informational

 299024 Epronovskaja street 7

Russian Federation

P. A. Yemushintsev

198 Research Centre, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5247-2160
SPIN-code: 1368-6821

 Petr A. Yemushintsev — Сand. of Sci. (Med.), chief 14 scientist-research department 1 scientist-research management doctor of special physiology

299024 Epronovskaja street 7

Russian Federation

V. V. Mikulich

198 Research Centre, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3167-3182
SPIN-code: 5566-3876

 Vasilij V. Mikulich — senior researcher 14 scientist-research department 1 scientist-research management

299024 Epronovskaja street 7

Russian Federation


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