Decision-making style and emotional creativity in young people who have had COVID-19 infection

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INTRODUCTION: The period of the current COVID-19 pandemic is associated with a prolonged situation of uncertainty; in the preference of styles and strategies for overcoming the intellectual and personal potential of a person is presented in the unity of the processes of cognitive evaluation, experience and choice of ways to solve a problem (stressful) situation.

OBJECTIVE: To study the interrelationships of decision-making style as a reflection of individual differences in coping with uncertainty and emotional creativity as a factor of self-realization in young people who have had COVID19 infection.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We examined 100 convalescents aged 18.2±2.25 years, including 50 men (Group M) and 50 women (Group G) (the age difference between the groups is not significant). The main transferred clinical forms of COVID-19 infection were the inapparent form — 42.0% (group M — 32 people, group G — 10 people), acute respiratory viral infection — 56.0% (group M — 17 people, group G — 39 people) according to the Russian versions of the Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire (MDMQ) and the Emotional Creativity Inventory (ECI).

RESULTS: In both groups of examined individuals after COVID-19 infection with all clinical forms of the disease, the strategy of «vigilance», considered as productive, is of the greatest importance in the decision-making process; unproductive strategies are not expressed, which is important for the subsequent medical and psychological support of convalescents.

DISCUSSION: In both groups of examined individuals after suffering COVID-19 infection in all clinical forms of the disease, the «vigilance» strategy, considered as productive, is of the greatest importance in the decision-making process; unproductive strategies are not expressed, which is important for the subsequent medical and psychological support of convalescents. It is noted that the interaction between the factors of emotional creativity is expressed not only in an increase in creativity when high values coincide on two or more faces, but also in the fact that low values of one component can be compensated by high values of another.

CONCLUSION: It is noted that the interaction between the factors of emotional creativity is expressed not only in an increase in creativity when high values coincide on two or more sides, but also in the fact that low values of one component can be compensated by high values of the other.

About the authors

I. M. Ulyukin

Kirov Military Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8911-4458
SPIN-code: 7606-1700

Igor M. Ulyukin — Cand. of Sci. (Med.), Researcher at the Research Center

194044, St. Petersburg, Akademika Lebedeva str., 6

Russian Federation

V. V. Rassokhin

Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University; Institute of Experimental Medicine RAS, St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg Pasteur Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1159-0101
SPIN-code: 3390-9457

Vadim V. Rassokhin — Dr. of Sci. (Med.), Professor of the Department of Socially Significant Infections and Phthisiopulmonology; Head of the Laboratory of Chronic Viral Infections of the Department of Environmental Physiology; Leading researcher

197022, St. Petersburg, Leo Tolstoy str., 6–8;  197376, St. Petersburg, Academician Pavlov str., 12;  197101, St. Petersburg, Mira str., 14 

Russian Federation

A. A. Sechin

Kirov Military Medical Academy

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6832-6988
SPIN-code: 5002-8222

Alexey A. Sechin — Head of the Research Laboratory of the Research Center

194044, St. Petersburg, Akademika Lebedeva str., 6

Russian Federation

E. S. Orlova

Kirov Military Medical Academy

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1586-6635
SPIN-code: 9424-9235

Elena S. Orlova — Cand. of Sci. (Med.), Senior Researcher at the Research Center

194044, St. Petersburg, Akademika Lebedeva str., 6


Russian Federation


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